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"Oh..." The Keel member grinned as he watched his gang and Furin go at it with each other.

The first years were kicking away and grabbing onto the lumber that was being swung in their direction before it could even land on them.


Kurita turned his attention and noticed that his friend was sending a Keel member straight at him.

"GRAAAH!!" He shouted as he swung a punch at the hooded teenager, sweeping the other off of their feet.

Kurita looked over his shoulder, noticing a Keel member had appeared behind him.

But before the person could hit Kurita with the piece of lumber, it was grabbed.

The first year that had grabbed it, grabbed the Keel member's jacket and rolled onto his back, kicking the hooded figure over his head.

"Nice one, Kakiuchi!" Kurita called over.

"Huh. They're pretty used to brawlin'. Just what I'd expect...from some Furin boys," Haruka says to himself as he watched his classmates take on the Keel members.

"Wowee! We have them absolutely outnumbered, though! But...the ones that stand out..." The Keel member trailed off as he watched the fight from where he was perched on the upper floor.

"GRAAAAH!" Taiga yelled.


Kiryu sends an attack at a Keel member that was going toward his classmates, scaring the two first years near him.

"Whoa, that was close!"

"Thanks, man!"

"Nirei-kun, you all right?" Suo asks as he looks over at Nirei while pinning a Keel member to the ground.

"Y-Y-Y-Yeah..." Nirei answered.

"...are...those five," the Keel member finished as he watched Sugishita and Haruka take down two more Keel members by kicking and punching them away.

"Shit, they're strong... I knew Sugishita was impressive, but..."

Haruka moved out of the way of a Keel member who swung a piece of lumber at him.

Using the ball of his foot, he put pressure into it so that he could jump and wrap his legs around the Keel member's neck, swinging himself onto the hooded figure's shoulders.

"Damn, Sakura..."

Haruka leaned forward, bringing the hooded Keel member with him before flipping over, sending a kick straight into the other's stomach.

"...I never knew he was this strong..."

"Anzai, what are you doing?!" Haruka called out.

Anzai turned his head in surprise as he punched away another Keel member.

"Hurry up and get your ass up there!" Haruka exclaimed.

Anzai nodded his head.

"Push 'em!! Move!! Open up a path!"

Anzai ran down the open path with Haruka.

"Ooh! Here they come!" The Keel member says, clearly thrilled to see what's going to happen.

'Huh...? What...?' Nagato trailed his eyes downward, noticing Haruka and Anzai.

"A...An...zai...?" Nagato mumbled weakly.

Haruka kicked away a Keel member as he let Anzai run up the stairs to reach Nagato.

"Oh, dear guest...I'm terribly sorry, but..." The Keel member grinned.

"You bastaaaaard!" Anzai yelled, swinging a punch at the Keel member who just pushed the swivel chair backward to move out of the way.

"...This floor's only for VIPS! Sir, please," the Keel member mocked.

Anzai sent another punch at the other just for it to be grabbed.

"You need to calm...down! Sir!!" The Keel member sent a kick straight at Anzai from where he was sitting.

Anzai went backward, his body falling down the stairs as his blood escaped his mouth.

Nagato watched in silence. Pain, fear, and worry being seen on his face.

Haruka looked over his shoulder, noticing Anzai falling down the stairs.

"Anzai!!" He shouted before gasping and jumping out of the way when another Keel member came from above with a metal pole.

"Now then... It's about time...for our VIPS to join the fray!" Another member from Keel says.

"Huh? Who the hell're you...?" Haruka rudely asked.

"C'mon, guys!! We can do this!!"

"Finish 'em with one last push!!"

Taiga, Kiryu, Sugishita, and Suo's attention were brought upward as they watched as the Keel members that were just standing and sitting around finally made their appearance, landing in front of them.

Suo stood in front of Nirei protectively, making sure that no Keel members would get close to him.

One by one, the five hooded figures took their hoods off to show their faces.

"All right. Time to move on to round two," the Keel member says as he continued to stand at the top of the staircase.

"These jackasses...and their damn smug grins!" Haruka sneered.

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