Last Minute

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"You know, it's not too late to change. To go back to how you guys once were," (Y/n) says as he approaches Togame and Choji.

Umemiya, Togame, and Choji looked over at the (H/c)-haired teenager who still wore his mask to cover the lower half of his face.

The boy stopped in front of the two on the ground and crouched, propping his arms on his upper thighs.

"I'm sure you finally realize this but freedom isn't just being at the top, you know? Freedom is the sort of thing you feel when you're around others whether you're close with them or not. Freedom is like a breath of fresh air," (Y/n) says, tilting his head a little as he closes his eyes to show that he is smiling.

Umemiya and the others stayed silent as they listened to the (H/c)-haired boy's words.

"Sometimes, the top can be lonely but that's if you let it happen," (Y/n) continued, "Tomiyama, that happiness you have? Can be both your strength and weakness which is why it's evened out."

Togame and Choji's eyes widened as they stared at the boy beside them.

Umemiya held a proud smile on his lips.

Hiragi had a proud look on his face.

Sugishita, Nirei, and Suo watched in silence.

Haruka didn't know what to say as his eyes widened a bit.

"But that's the point, isn't it? We all have our strengths and weaknesses. But we'll always have that one person or a whole group of people that will have your back. Someone who will always be there to be that shield to make sure that there's a defense to keep the weaknesses to a bare minimum because they're your strength in more ways than one," (Y/n) continued.

(Y/n) then got back up onto his feet, and looked toward Shishitoren.

"Shishitoren has been your family since day one. Their strength is what keeps you going. They're your shield and strength, but you're also theirs. You're also their shield and strength," he states.

(E/c) eyes shifted back over to the two boys who got back up onto their feet.

"And if you ever decide to give that family away... You'll just be losing a part of yourself, just like how they'll be losing a part of themselves."

(Y/n) chuckled. "That's enough from me. So, I like to believe that it's time to end this once and for all."

Choji and Togame looked at him in confusion before Umemiya realized what the (H/c)-haired teenager was talking about.

Before he could even say anything, (Y/n) turned toward Umemiya.

"Did you really think I'd allow you to keep me from fighting? You're a dumbass," (Y/n) then looked back over at Choji, "So, Tomiyama. What do you think?" He asked.

Choji's eyes widened, excitement shining in his eyes. "Seeing (L/n)-chan fight? Then... We better fight each other next time!" He replied.

(Y/n) stared for a few moments before nodding. "All right," he agreed.

"I'll fight him," a voice from the crowd says.

Everyone turned toward a teenager from Shishitoren's side who was approaching the stage.

(Y/n) hummed in approval before noticing Choji's injuries.

"Togame, patch Choji up, please. You can use the first aid I used on you and the others," he says.

Togame nodded his head and led Choji away.

Umemiya sighed heavily as he placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"You knew I was going to stop you from fighting so you decided not to tell me until the last minute, didn't you?" Umemiya asked.

"You guessed right," (Y/n) answered, "But it's just a small little brawl for fun," he added.

Umemiya chuckled and nodded his head. "Don't go too hard on the kid," he replied.

"Hm," (Y/n) hummed in response.

Once the stage was cleared except for the random Shishitoren teenager and (Y/n), it was time for the two to fight each other.

A few moments of silence followed as both gangs waited to see the fight between the two that were on the stage.

Not even a second later, the Shishitoren member dashed in first, swinging a kick at (Y/n)'s head just for it to be blocked.

(Y/n) swung his foot at the teenager in front of him, allowing it to be blocked just so he could follow it up by jumping, spinning his body, and sending a jump-spinning wheel kick.

The kick sent the member staggering forward, eyes widened when he felt the strength of the kick.

(Y/n) landed on his feet, pulling his mask below his chin.

A shiver ran up the other teenager's spine.

Choji, Togame, and everyone else watched the fight in surprise and awe.

The other teenager sent a punch at (Y/n)'s figure just for it to be grabbed.

The (H/c)-haired boy went beneath the teenager's arm he had grabbed, pulling it along with him so that the arm was now behind the other pointing up toward the ceiling.

The Shishitoren gang member struggled in (Y/n) grip just to be kicked in the back of the knee which sent him falling forward once more.

"(L/n)-san isn't even letting him land a hit on him!" Nirei exclaimed in awe, his eyes widened in shock.

The gang member pushed himself up onto his feet and turned toward the (H/c)-haired just to dart at him.

With a fist pulled back, the Shishitoren member swung the punch just to have it blocked and get punched in the face instead.

Blood started to drip down the gang member's nose which surprised him as he tried to wipe it away.

"I'm going easy on you since I don't think Togame and Tomiyama would like one of their gang members to be sent to the hospital so soon," (Y/n) states.

The Shishitoren teenager gritted his teeth and ran at (Y/n) with a fist pulled back.

(Y/n) stayed still, watching as the other got closer to him with each step.

"He's not going to move?!" Nirei asked, horror appearing on his face.

Once the teenager got close enough to send the punch, (Y/n) blocked the incoming punch just to grab the Shishitoren jacket from the front, placing his foot near the inner part of his upper thigh, bending his knee just to immediately roll onto his back and throw the Shishitoren gang member over him.

A pained gasp left the other teenager's lips as he landed hard on his back.

(Y/n) got up onto his feet, watching as the other flipped over, breathing heavily.

A small glint of something silver caught his attention as the Shishitoren teenager slipped a small knife out of his sleeve that was once hidden.

Shishitoren and Furin immediately took notice, their eyes widening.

"W–W–Wait!" Nirei stuttered, "He has a knife!"

Umemiya and Hiragi stared in silence as they watched the Shishitoren teenager slowly get back onto his feet, holding the small weapon in his hand.

"You bastard!! That's cheating!" Haruka shouted.

"Just watch," Umemiya says.

Nirei and Haruka stared at Umemiya in disbelief.

Umemiya chuckled. "Don't worry and just watch," he repeated.

This made the duo look back at the stage, unsure of what to do since Umemiya had them stay sitting.

'(L/n)...' Togame trailed off, his eyes widened a bit as he stared at the scene in disbelief.

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