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"Umemiya-san's supposed to be here," Enomoto says as he gazes at a sign before looking back at the others, "All right. Let's get in there, give 'im the report and git this over with. C'mon, guys."

Enomoto grabbed onto the handle and slid the door open.

"You kids are a riot!" A man exclaimed, laughing.

Hiragi was watching Umemiya in amusement from where he sat.

"Yaaaay!" Umemiya cheered.

"Hey, boss! Give Ume here another soda!"

"Coming right up!"

Umemiya's attention was brought to Enomoto and the others.

"Oooh, hey guys! Welcome back!" Umemiya greeted.

"Sorry for intruding during your meal, sir," Enomoto apologized.

"Nah, don't worry about it! I was just just helping out with unloading some cargo and I got caught up in all of this!" Umemiya reassured.

(Y/n) slowly turned around just for Umemiya to call out to him when the white-haired male noticed the injury.

"(Y/n), get over here! Let me check that wound of yours!" Umemiya called out.

"Fuck," (Y/n) muttered, his shoulders slumping as he approached Umemiya.

The (H/c)-haired male could tell that the other third-year was trying his best to stay calm in front of everyone, even though (Y/n) could see the worry hidden in Umemiya's blue eyes.

Hiragi sweatdropped as he watched Umemiya dote over (Y/n), scolding him as he patched the other teenager up.

"How...does that happen...?" Haruka asked in disbelief.


"...And that's what happened... I'm really sorry about all this," Anzai apologized.

"I'm sorry..." Nagato apologized, bowing his head.

Umemiya stared at the group before him in silence for a few moments, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Ya gotta pay attention!" Enomoto scolded quietly.

(Y/n) sipped quietly at (F/d) after popping three pain relievers into his mouth to help the pain his head was going through.

Umemiya then slapped his hands on his knees which caused Anzai and Nagato to jolt.

"All right, I heard ya. Great work, guys!" Umemiya states.

"Huh?" Anzai and Nagato questioned in sync.

"You kids need some food!" The boss of the restaurant exclaimed as he made his appearance carrying plates of food.

"Huh?! Are you sure, sir? We're already taking up space in your store. You're even feeding us?! Thanks!" Umemiya beamed with excitement.

"Yeah, don't worry about it!" The man reassured as he placed the food on the tables.

"C'mon, eat up!" Umemiya exclaimed.

"U-Umm... Is that all?!" Anzai asked.

"What is all?" Umemiya asked as he placed some food into his mouth.

"I...got Furin involved with my personal issues..." Anzai pointed out.

"Yeah, but...Nagato's your friend, right? Then of course Furin would step in and help save him!" Umemiya replied.

(Y/n) nudged food into Nagato's mouth, basically forcing the dark-haired boy to eat.

Enomoto chuckled lightly when he saw the action. "He's taken another kid under his wing," he states.

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