Extreme Emotions

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"You've... You've gotta be fricken kidding me! What's...your deal, man?!" Hansuke asked, panting heavily which allowed small wheezes to escape.

Suo stopped in front of Hansuke, staring down at him with a cold stare.

"What?! What's...with that look?! You dirtbag... Goddamn it... I'll...crush your damn eye!!" Hansuke shouted as he started to run at Suo with a fist pulled back.

Suo swung his left foot straight at Hansuke's face, sending the teenager flying backward.

A thud was heard as Hansuke landed hard on the ground.

Suo approached the fallen male, stomp being heard.

Without a second thought, Suo grabbed Hansuke's jacket, pulling the teenager toward him as he pulled back his fist.

However, Haruka grabbed his wrist which made Suo turn his head to look over.

"What do you want...Sakura-kun?" Suo asked.

"That's enough. You knocked his lights out already," Haruka replied.

"Wow, this is a surprise. Who would've thought you'd be so calm. They hurt a lot of us...doesn't that get on your nerves?" Suo questioned.

"'course. I'm pissed as all hell...at myself," Haruka answered.

Suo's eye widened a bit at Haruka's answer.

"I was talkin' big... And look at what's happened. But... Gettin' pissed off isn't gonna help," Haruka continued as he tightened his grip on Suo's wrist, "We need to focus...on what we have to do. There are still other guys fighting...so..." He trailed off.

"Gosh! You're so demanding, Sakura-kun!" Suo exclaimed, his personality doing a whole 180 which surprised Haruka, "But hey, you're right. This isn't the time to punish just one of them. I'll take care of the enemies this way. Let's finish this up quick."

Haruka watched as Suo walked away so he turned around and walked in the other direction.

Suo watched as Haruka ran off. 'I really...am no match...for you.' He thought.

Enomoto watched as Suo and Haruka went in different directions as he dropped the injured Keel member he was carrying before bringing his gaze upward, his attention on Kaji, (Y/n), and Keel's leader fighting each other on the top platform.

Kaji kept blocking the attacks the male was swinging at him with the bat.

A crazed grin could be seen on the other teenager's lips as he swung the bat downward which made Kaji turn and start running across the platform with the other chasing after him.

Kaji took the chance to use the wall to help him flip over Keel's leader and send a kick onto the male's head.

The teenager's slammed his hand on the platform before his face could meet the ground and looked at Kaji and (Y/n) with a smirk.

The male then sent rope at Kaji which started to wrap around him.

With the rope wrapped around his neck, the male yanked Kaji in his way.

The second-year skidded across the platform just to lift his head to see the male about to hit him with the bat.

However, (Y/n) came in and swung a kick straight at the teenager's side which sent him skidding across the ground.

The (H/c)-haired teenager landed in front of Kaji, looking over at his underclassman for a quick moment before looking back at Keel's leader who stumbled onto his feet.

Keel's leader grinned. "Oooh...now that's a scary face," he says as he notices the expressions on Kaji and (Y/n)'s faces, "You really are one of us. Your face is telling me that you're both one snap away from going berserk. I was right...you'd definitely have more fun hanging out with me...Shingo Natori. You...don't have what it takes to be a hero. I can tell from just looking at your faces. You're both hiding a beast inside.

"... A beast, huh?" Kaji repeated, "You're right. We're no hero. In the past...when I snap, everything in my mind would go blank. And before I realize it, I would be surrounded by bodies on the ground," he says.

"That's awesome! You must've been so high!" Shingo exclaimed as he rubbed at his upper arms.

"But afterwards, I'd feel disgusting...not being able to fight against my own self made me sick to my stomach. But...in the end, I managed to learn how to control myself. Even if I'm just half-assed...I was still made human," Kaji continued, "Though... Furin has someone a lot worse than me and many others. Someone who isn't scared to get his hands dirty to protect the town and Furin altogether. Even if people call him a demon. Someone to be feared and not cross lines with... He will always be valuable to Furin."

(Y/n) looked over his shoulder to glance down at what was happening down below, his lips tugged in a straight line.

"What's that supposed to mean? If it's part of your nature, then you shouldn't be able to resist it," Shingo replied.

"There's... Something I want to ask you, too. Were you the one...who made Keel?" Kaji asked.

"Why ask that out of the blue?" Shingo questioned.

Kaji unwrapped a sucker from its wrapper, "Because...the leader of Keel is so different from the leaders I'm used to seeing," he explained.

"What...are you trying to say?" Shingo asked.

"Can't hear me?" Kaji placed the candy into his mouth, rolling it to the left side of his cheek, "I'm telling you that you're...not fit to be the top!" He replied.

(Y/n) brought his attention back over to Shingo, gazing blankly at the teenager before him.

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