Street Rat

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A young boy with (H/c) hair and (E/c) hues could be seen running down an alleyway, trying to get away from whoever was chasing after him.

"There he is!" A voice shouted.

The boy's tattered clothes barely clung to his skin to keep him warm from the chilly air he was racing through.

Breaths of warm air filled the air When the boy breathed outward while he ran.

"Get 'im! Get that little bastard of a street rat!!" Another voice shouted, joining in with the fray.

The boy quickly made a right turn when he saw that he was coming to a dead end.

'They're gaining up on me... They're gaining' The boy thought as he heard the footsteps gaining up on him from behind.

Noticing an emergency ladder up ahead, the boy did his best to speed up.

However, his luck wasn't on his side when he leaped and wrapped his fingers around the ladder to try and pull himself up.

One of the people who had been chasing him reached out and yanked him backward by grabbing him by the back of his shirt.

A gasp left the boy's lips as he landed hard on his back, making him flip over and release heavy breaths.

As the boy started to lift his head, it was immediately smashed into the concrete under him as someone stomped their foot on the back of his head.

A crack was heard, blood pouring out the (H/c)-haired boy's nose and dripping to the ground.

(E/c) hues wavered with distant pain even though the boy was used to it.

(S/c) hands reached toward the back of the boy's neck as he curled himself inward, bringing his head closer to his chest as the group that had been chasing him stomped and kicked at him.

However, the next kick sent him flying, crashing into a nearby wall as someone thought it was a good idea to kick him in the side.

Blood started to roll down the boy's lips as he staggered onto his feet.

"You're still able to stand?" Someone asked in disbelief.

"This boy has guts," another person piped in.

The boy staggered a little as he stood to his full height, his eyes gazing at the group in front of him with small pants escaping his lips.

"Wait–" Somebody began to say just to be sent flying into a wall, dropping a metal pipe that they had been carrying.



The group turned toward the person who had just been kicked away before looking at the (H/c)-haired boy.

"The boy can't do that much damage... Stop him!" Someone from the group shouted.

Yells were heard as the group ran at the boy who stood still, letting the others get closer to him.

When they were close enough to swing their weapons, the boy ducked and dodged the pieces of lumber and pipes that were sent at him.

(E/c) hues darted back and forth across the alleyway as the boy jumped, spinning as he sent a kick straight into one of the teenager's head just to drop to his hands and sweep the teenager off of their feet.

A thud was heard when the teenager fell but that didn't stop the boy as he turned his attention to someone else.

One of the teenagers who was a part of the group sent a kick at the (H/c)-haired boy, sending the younger skidding but that didn't seem to phase him one bit.

The boy grabbed one of the pipes that fell to the ground and swung it at one of the teenagers who were going at him.

Blood went flying, landing on the young boy's face as one of his attackers went down from the brutal swing.

Heavy pants left the boy's lips as he turned toward the remaining people in the group, not noticing someone sneaking up behind him.


A loud clang was heard as something hard and heavy slammed on the back of his head.

This made the boy stumble forward, blood dripping down his face and rolling down his neck, staining the shirt he was wearing.

(E/c) hues were blown wide, the boy staring at the ground as his blood dripped from his hair.

The boy's hold on the weapon he had loosened a little, but he quickly turned and swung it at the person who had hit him from behind.

The person who attacked him from behind went flying to the side, their blood escaping from their nose.

(E/c) hues drifted back to the others that surrounded him.

A throbbing pain exploded on the back of the boy's head but he ignored it as he ran forward swinging the pipe at another attacker of his just to follow up with a kick to the face.


The boy with (H/c) hair and (E/c) hues stared at the mess he had created, blood covering his hands as the attackers lay emotionless across the ground.

The (E/c) hues were emotionless and distant as the boy who owned them turned and started to walk away from the bloody scene.

However, the sound of something clicking grabbed his attention.

But before he could even turn around to see what it was, a loud bang was heard followed up by a thud.

A shaking (S/c) hand made way to where an excruciating pain appeared.

When his hand made contact with an injury on his abdomen, blood started to seep through the boy's shirt and covered his hand.

(E/c) hues wavered when the boy realized what had happened.

The (H/c)-haired boy was already covered in blood, a lot of it belonging to him.

"Haaah... Haah... Haah..." The boy breathed heavily, gripping his injury as he stumbled out of the alleyway, his eyes going blurry.

The blood he had lost was starting to make him black out but he did his best to keep himself steady and awake since he didn't want to faint right there and then when there could be another group coming after him.

A singular (S/c) hand trailed across a building's side, smearing blood across it.


Two kids could be seen walking together, heading in the direction of an orphanage seeing as the two of them had just gotten back from a short walk to a market.

Staggering footsteps grabbed their attention which made them turn.

A haggard-looking boy who seemed to be their age was seen walking by them, not once stopping.

"Umemiya," the kid, a young girl with brown hair, whispered.

The other kid, a young boy with white hair, looked over at the injured (H/c)-haired figure.

The duo jumped as they watched the other boy fall to the ground as if he had finally used up all the energy he forced himself to use to get to safety.

"Umemiya, we need to help him!" The girl shouted as she ran over to the boy's side, kneeling beside the unconscious (H/c)-haired boy.

"We'll take him to the orphanage," the boy, Umemiya, says.

The girl nodded her head.

Umemiya approached the unconscious boy and with the girl's help, the two of them were able to walk in the direction of the orphanage to hopefully get some help.

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