The Three Braves

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"Sakura-kun, you're hurt, aren't you? Ya sure you don't wanna stay back?" Taiga asked as he looked over at Haruka.

"Huh? Who's hurt? Ain't me," Haruka replied.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry for getting all of you involved," Kiryu apologized.

"Hey, Furin! I don't give a crap about no town's shield or whatever!"

"Don't think you're all hot shit!"

"We can pummel you with numbers alone... If ya think ya can still keep white knightin', then...ya can keep tryin' in vain!!"

The group of males ran straight at the three teenagers.

"Tsk! Bunch a trash," Haruka says in annoyance.

"Well...we better clean up this trash quick then," Kiryu piped in.

"Hell yeah! Let's get 'em!!" Taiga agreed just to get punched in the face, "BWAGH!"

Haruka and the others looked over at Taiga, surprised.

Kiryu had swung a punch at one of the males in the group when he saw Taiga get punched in the face.

"GAAGH!" Taiga grunted as his back hit the ground.

"WHAAAAAT?! Tsugeura-san?!" Nirei yelled.

"You're just all talk, huh?!" The male scoffed as he stomped on Taiga.

'What the hell?! He shouldn't be worried about me!' Haruka thought.

"Now die!!"

Haruka ran forward, hoping that he'd be able to make it on time to protect Taiga.

However, the one that was kicking Taiga had his fist caught.

The male and Haruka gazed at Taiga with wide eyes.

"Y'know...I always let my opponents get the first strike. So,'s my turn," Taiga grinned as he yanked the other male, forcing him to spin so that the orange-haired teenager could wrap his arms around the other.

A grunt left Taiga's lips as he bent his upper body backward, bringing the male he had a hold of with him and slammed him into the ground behind them.

"A G-German... Suplex..." Nirei stared in disbelief.

"Flashy as always," Suo sighed.

Taiga hopped onto his feet, a wide smile on his face.

"Let the opponents shine with their beauty, then finish it with my own shimmer!! That's my virtue!!" Taiga exclaimed with a proud look.

'He's definitely gonna die young...' Haruka deadpanned as he sent a kick at a male who came at him.

Suddenly, a body went flying in his direction which Haruka noticed so he kicked the flying male away who crashed into someone else.

"Watch it!!" Haruka shouted, "Why'd you send him flying at me?!"

"Sorry!" Kiryu apologized, "I just thought that this way...we'd be able to finish the fight faster," he explained.

Kiryu's green eyes shifted, seeing a punch being sent in his direction and he immediately grabbed the attacker by his wrist.

The pink-haired teenager pulled the other closer by tugging at the wrist, just to release the hold he had as he used his palm to land an attack on the other male.

"With his palm?!" Nirei shouted.

"He can blow someone so much bigger away..." Suo trailed off.

"What was that?! Screw you!! Handle your guys yourself!!" Haruka yelled as he kicked the guy that was flying at him in the back.

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