Grade Captain

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Haruka sat inside Kotoha's cafe staring at his phone with an intense look.

"You've been staring at your phone non-stop. What's up? Are you playing a game?" Kotoha asks as she appears behind the boy.

"WAAAH!" Haruka flinched, his phone flying out of his hands and hitting the ground.

The heterochromia-eyed teenager quickly turned toward Kotoha with a flustered look.

"Wh–Wh–Wh–Why'd you sneak up on me?!" Haruka asked angrily.

"Oh, sorry. You don't have to freak out..." She apologized, "You really should finish up your breakfast soon. Or else you're gonna be late," Kotoha reached down to pick up Haruka's phone just to pause and see five contacts on his phone.

The five names were...

Mitsuki Kiryu.

Taiga Tsugeura.

Hayato Suo.

Akihiko Nirei.

And (Y/n) (L/n).

"G-Give it back..." Haruka trailed off, feeling embarrassed.

Kotoha smiled as she added her own contact into his phone before turning toward Haruka and handing the electronic to him.

"I added myself, too. You got yourself Kotoha-chan's contact info!" She gave the teenager in front of her a playful wink.

"Wh-Who asked you to do that?!" Haruka exclaimed as he took his phone back just to look down at it again, "Sheesh..." He muttered just for a ding to be heard, "Hm?"

Nirei had sent a bear sticker in the group chat he was in that had a sun above it and the words "good morning" beside it.

Kiryu, Taiga, and Suo followed through with their own good morning stickers.

'Huh? Why...? We'll see each other at why say this through text?' Haruka stared in confusion before reading the texts that followed which caught his attention.

The text was talking about a Grade Captain, something that Kiryu brought up yesterday.

Haruka wasn't even finished texting when Kiryu sent multiple texts at once.

"Uhhhh..." Haruka trailed off as he texted once more just to be ignored.

Annoyed, Haruka ate his breakfast.


"Oh, Sakura-san! Good morning," Nirei greeted when he saw Haruka approach him and the others.

"Good morning," Suo greeted with a smile.

"Mornin'!" Kiryu greeted.

"Oh, hey there!" Taiga exclaimed.

"So what is a Grade Captain, damn it?!" Haruka shouted.

"HNGH?! Why're you so mad?!" Nirei exclaimed.

Haruka angrily pointed at the group. "And why do you guys keep messagin' all that crap... When you could've just said those things here?!" He asked.

"Huuuh? But isn't it more convenient in chat?" Kiryu questioned.

"I saw the read receipt, so I knew you saw it... But I guess it's hard to wrap your head around it when you're new at texting, huh?" Suo asked in amusement before sending the heterochromia-eyed teenager a reassured look, "But don't you worry, Sakura-kun. We're just about to talk about the Captain."

The sound of footsteps entering the classroom grabbed everyone's attention.

"With the Tamon Team's second year..." Suo trailed off.

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