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'We just saw each other yesterday at the graduation ceremony.' Nagato thought as he read over the texts that Anzai had sent him.


"Hey, cough it up already!" A voice said, grabbing Nagato's attention.

"P-Please give that back..." A person pleaded.

"Tsk. It's practically empty!" The voice scoffed.

"I need it back, please..." The person pleaded once more.

"Shut it!" The voice, which was clearly a male, shouted as he punched the pleading boy."

"If ya need money that bad, ya can ask yer mommy."

"Please... I need it back..."

"Shut up!"

Another cry of pain was heard.

'Hey, quit it! What's so fun about hanging up...on one person?!' Nagato thought as he gritted his teeth.

"H-Hey, stop it!" Nagato called out.

"Huh?" The leader of the small group lifted his head to look over.

"G-G-G... Give... Give that back...r-right now!!" Nagato shouted.

However, Nagato ended up getting beaten by the group of boys instead who had turned their attention away from their main target they originally were after.

"That's enough, you bastard!!"

"What's with this punk?!"

"Now give it back!!"

Nagato was curled on the ground as the group of three boys kicked at him.

"Stay in your own damn lane!"

The boy that was the target first covered his face when he saw someone coming.


"Who the hell're you?!"


"What're you–"

The boy lifted his head and saw a male with a wide smile on his lips while fighting the group of bullies.


"Thank much!! Umm... Are you okay?" The boy asked as he looked at the teenager who tried his best to help him.

"Yeah, this is nothing. I'm fine..." Nagato reassured.

'I knew it...I couldn't do anything him. But, wow...this guy is really strong...' Nagato thought as he stared at the guy who came to the rescue.

"Say... You're...a pretty cool guy," the male said as he turned his attention toward Nagato.

"N-Not at all! I'm really weak..." Nagato waved his hands in front of his face.

"That's not true. Not everyone can stand up against a group by themselves. What's more, you did it for someone else. I've been looking...for someone like you. I'd love to have you...come join my team. I'm'll love it there," the male says.


"E-Excuse me?" Nagato says as he enters an abandoned building that has a lot of hooded guys inside.

"Hey, there! You came! I should really introduce myself. I'm Natori. I'm in charge here. Nice ta meet ya!" Shingo greeted as he patted Nagato's shoulder.

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