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"Looks like yer two are done over here, too, yeah?" Enomoto spoke up.

Kaji and (Y/n) turned their heads, noticing Kusumi and Enomoto approaching them.

"We've got the first floor cleaned right up," Enomoto states as he and Kusumi stand beside the Grade Captain.

(Y/n) and Kaji looked down and saw that the Keel members were indeed down for the count.

The Furin first years were looking up at them, covered in injuries and blood.

"Say somethin'," Enomoto says.

"Say what, exactly?" Kaji asked as he looked over at the taller male.

(Y/n) whistled quietly, turning his head away.

Kusumi grabbed the trio's wrists and lifted them.

Yells erupted in the abandoned building when they saw that they had won against Keel.

Haruka released a sigh from his lips.

"Put my damn arms down," Kaji muttered.

Enomoto then looked over at (Y/n), seeing the injury he sustained. "Umemiya is going to freak out when he sees that injury," he states.

(Y/n) hummed. "I'll take care of it," he replied.


"...I...A...I... Anzai. Get a grip, man."

Anzai slowly woke up from his unconscious state and lifted his head.

He jolted when he saw that everyone was surrounding him.

"Huh?! Uhh... How did... What...?" Anzai swiveled his head back and forth, confused about what happened while he was out.

"The fight's over. We won," Taiga answered.

Anzai's eyes widened a little. "I see... We... I'm sorry..." He apologized.

"Hey," Enomoto called out.

Anzai lifted his head noticing Enomoto, Kaji, Kusumi, and (Y/n).

"Are you all right, bro?" Enomoto asked.

"Oh my... Senpai?! Wh-Why're all of you here?!" Anzai asked as he got up onto his feet.

"Why"? We came to save yer asses. Duh," Enomoto answered before turning his attention to someone else, "Hey, he finally woke up. Now talk it out."

Everyone's attention turned toward Nagato as he nudged forward.

"N... Nagato..." Anzai trailed off when he saw his childhood friend.

Nagato fell to his knees, bowing his head.

"Why...did you do this...? I told you that this had nothing to do with you... To not put your neck where it doesn't belong and leave me alone. You shouldn't have done something so stupid! Not for someone like me..." Nagato says.

"What wazzat? What sort of bullshit are you trying to spout? You've got it wrong. None of us did this for you, asshole," Haruka states.

"H... Hey, cool it, Sakura."

Enomoto held his hand out to stop the first year from moving closer.


"I only came here and trashed their turf...'cause that jackass pissed me off. This girl, Tsuchiya...she was crying 'cause she didn't have the power to save you. Anzai got his face beat in, too...all 'cause he wanted to save your ass. And look at you. Ya can't even look at him in the eye. If ya didn't want any savin'... Then you can just tell him why. Anzai and the others are willing to face you head-on already. Are you really how you want to treat them?!" Haruka asked.

Silence echoed through the room as everyone watched Haruka.

Nagato bent his fingers, scratching his nails across the ground.

"I...did something terrible to Anzai. I've done so many things that I could never take back. It's just...I don't deserve...any salvation!" Nagato replied as he lifted his head, his eyes wavering with unshed tears.

Kusumi approached Nagato's side and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Nagato looked over at Kusumi, watching the teenager shake his head.

"Huh...?" Nagato mumbled.

"I don't give a shit about how you see yourself. But Anzai was... Willing to take a beating to save you. Even if you think of yourself as doesn't always mean...that others will see you in the same light. For better... Or for worse," Kaji says.

"Why...? Why are all of nice to me? Why are all of" Tears slid down Nagato's cheeks, dripping to the ground.

(Y/n) approached the boy and crouched before him, a sigh leaving his lips.

"Second chances aren't always given, but..." He trailed off as he gazed at the injured teenager in front of him, "...there are times when one shows regret, wanting to change how they were before and start a new life. It's up to you if you want to show that regret. And it's up to others if they want to forgive you," he states.

Anzai approached (Y/n) and Nagato.

"Get, Nagato?" Anzai spoke up, tapping Nagato's arm.

Nagato lifted his head to look at his childhood friend.

"I've always wondered...why would you join a team like Keel? Won't to me?" Anzai asked.

Nagato looked at Anzai with wide eyes before lowering his head. "It happened...right after the...Junior High graduation ceremony."

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