Umemiya's Style

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"How can you two be so happy...while still being the top of Furin?" Choji asked.

Choji held a curious look on his face while Umemiya had a soft smile on his lips.

(Y/n) sweatdropped as he watched Umemiya reach out for some food just to place it into his mouth.

"For me...I just simply like...eating!" Umemiya answered.

"I love eating, too!" Choji beamed, "I really like curry! What about you and (L/n)-chan?" He asked.

"I love omelette rice! (Y/n) here likes (F/f). But, even more than eating...I like doing stuff like this. Where everyone's having fun, enjoying themselves while we eat together. We can talk about anything...and laugh like idiots. In this very moment, all the bad things don't even matter anymore. I'm always excited to spend that time with everyone. That's why I'm so happy right now. And, well..." Umemiya trailed off as he looked over at Choji, "...being the top has nothing to do with...hanging out with friends."

"Yeah... You're right. I...remember now. I had a lot of fun before I became the top. I really liked it when everyone was laughing together. But...I never realized that was what I liked. I just thought that being the top meant that I could have even more fun. Why...didn't I realize it?" Choji mumbled.

Togame gazed at the other teenager with a soft look on his face.

"I mean...when you're breathing... I'm so have air!! You don't realize how thankful you are to the air. That's all. It's because what you like best...has always been by your side like it's natural," Umemiya explained.

Togame lowered his head, a soft smile appearing on his lips.

Choji looked over at Togame as he realized what Umemiya was hinting at.

"I'm happy that you realized it... Before you lost it... I'm...honestly relieved," Umemiya states.

The group except for (Y/n), Hiragi, and Sugishita stared at the white-haired teenager in surprise.

"Ah... What about (L/n)-chan? Why did he decide to be at the top but give the title to you?" Choji asked.

Feeling an arm wrap around his shoulders, (Y/n) elbowed Umemiya in the abdomen.

Umemiya chuckled as he pulled the (H/c)-haired teenager closer to him.

(Y/n) grumbled in annoyance as he felt his head land on Umemiya's shoulder but didn't pull away.

"It's because (Y/n) here would rather be working behind the scenes than up front! Though there have been instances where he's taken the lead when something has gone wrong," Umemiya answered.

(Y/n) looked in the corner of his eyes, looking at the blue-eyed teenager.

'You still stick to that lie after all this time even when you know the real reason, Hajime...' He thought as he placed food into his mouth to hide the small smile that was forming on his lips. '...thanks...'

"Oh and... Can I ask you one more thing?" Choji asked.

"Hm?" Umemiya hummed out.

"You knew why did you still become the top?" Choji asked once more.

Umemiya grinned as he placed food onto Choji's plate.

Choji between the food on his plate and back at Umemiya in confusion.

"Because this way, I can...keep enjoying these meals with everyone!!" Umemiya answered.

Haruka stared in disbelief.

Togame and Choji looked surprised.

Sugishita was indifferent while Hiragi had a smile on his lips as he ate.

"As long as everyone is happy... As long as they can keep smiling...I can keep enjoying my meals. When I thought about how I could make it happen, I realized...being the top could make that a reality. That's all. I wasn't trying to gun for the top... Neither was (Y/n)...but there was just something I wanted to do as the top. If there was another way to make it happen, I would've probably tried instead. But if there really was another path I could've taken, then..." Umemiya trailed off with a wide smile on his lips, "...I would never have gotten the eat with you guys like this!"

Choji smiled softly at Umemiya's response.

'Plus, I don't want to see (Y/n) hurt like that ever again.' Umemiya thought.

"Ume-chan. (L/n)-chan. You're both really something else," Choji says as he leans back, sticking his feet out on the cardboard, "You took leadership... While understanding yourselves so well."

"Nah. I didn't take leadership...I was given it," Umemiya corrected as he opened the lid to his drink so that he could take a sip out of it.

Choji gazed at Umemiya with wide eyes.

"You can't become the top...when you're alone, right?" Umemiya states.

Suo, Nirei, Haruka, Togame, and Choji gazed at the male as they listened to him speak.

"You can only reach the top if you're being lifted by everyone under you. It was only possible because there were people who agreed with my vision and wanted to help me. That's why, when I became the top with (Y/n) beside me, I longer only belonged to me. That's exactly why, in order to make this dream a reality..." Umemiya reached out for a skewer as he continued talking, " matter how difficult the matter how unreasonable the climb matter how absurd it gets..."

Umemiya bites into the skewer and chews it all until the stick is finished.

"...(Y/n) and I...will never...lose," he declared.

Haruka's eyes widened as he stared at Umemiya.

(Y/n) sat in silence as he let the other male talk, quietly eating his food while taking small sips of the bottle of (F/d) that sat beside his right foot.

Choji stared at the two in silence for a few moments before deciding to speak.

"Ume-chan... (L/n) shoulder everything on your back, aren't you...?" Choji asked.

"Choji?" Togame spoke up.

Choji fell onto his back, a loud sigh escaping his lips as he lifted a fist into the air.

"Now it makes sense...why my fists were powerless. I could never win against you," he laughed as he placed his arm on his forehead.

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