Absolute Authority

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As Furin fought the Keel members on the main floor, Kaji and (Y/n) approached the main Keel member who had his back facing them.

"Ohhh..." The hooded male trailed off as he spun to look at the two, "So, I get to fight you two...Kaji-kun? (L/n)-kun?" He asked with a smirk.

Kaji responded with nothing as he stared at the hooded male in front of him.

(Y/n) stared quietly at the male, watching the hooded male closely.

"Boy, am I delighted! To get to fight someone as famous as you two! And hell, it seems like we're really similar," the male says.

Kaji rolled his neck slightly to the side as he kept staring down the other.

(Y/n) stared indifferently as he continued to stay silent.

"Oh? You two don't think so? Just now, down there...you beat your follower into submission, didn't you? I agree with that method. It's the only right way to do things. So hey, we're really similar," the hooded male continued.

Kaji finished rolling his neck as he and (Y/n) continued to watch the hooded figure.

The male then turned to look at what was leaning up against the wall behind him.

It was a bat.

"The best tool...to get absolute authority...over others...is fear. That's why no one in this building...would ever stand up against me. They can't escape, either. It's just...the best feeling," he says as he takes the bat into his hand, "You think so too, don't you? But...it's because we're the same...that I can't stand you. Why're you two...tryin' so hard to be one of the heroes?!" He then turned his head to look at the two teenagers, "Your methods are the same as ours... Violence."

(Y/n) leaned his head back a bit, rubbing the back of his neck while closing his neck, a tired sigh leaving his lips.

"And you call yourselves Bofurin... Wind breaker... Playing the heroes that protect the town. It's honestly sickening. The truth is...you're one of us, aren't you? So, let's make a deal... If I win...then you both gotta join Keel!" The teenager declared as he pulled his hood down to show his face, "That way, you can spread your wings and–"

"Shut up," Kaji ordered, "I thought I'd hear you out, but you just kept going on and on... That...is what you think feels good? Bastards like you...don't get...to talk shit about Furin!!" Kaji snapped, breaking the hard candy in his mouth by clenching his teeth.

(Y/n) tilted his head to the side, his hand casually resting on the back of his neck.

A shudder ran up the male's spine when he saw the cold look being sent in his direction by the (H/c)-haired teenager.

Down below, Takeru was kicked away by Haruka's kick which skidded him away from the heterochromia-eyed teenager.

'Wh-What happened?! He's like...an entirely different person all of a sudden... That headphones kid was pretty dangerous too...but this guy's also...real deadly! But that (H/c)-haired kid...' Takeru trailed off in thought, '...is the real monster in all of this.'

Takeru noticed that a few Keel members near him were hesitating.

"H-Hey! What're ya guys gettin' freaked for?! We're just up against one kid! Jump him together!!" Takeru shouted, causing the Keel members to flinch which irked him.

"Listen!! Go, you dimwits!!" Takeru ordered as he slammed his weapon into the ground.

The two Keel members looked at each other before running at Haruka with others following in their footsteps.

Haruka just allowed the others to come close.

The sounds of something or someone getting hit were heard.

Takeru watched as one of the Keel members was punched away, which made him start to become nervous.

Haruka punched and kicked away the incoming Keel members with a glare on his face.

The nervousness that Takeru originally felt, slowly turned into fear and panic when he saw just how serious Haruka was while approaching him.

Haruka pulled back a punch and swung, sending Takeru flying and crashing into nearby lumber.

"I don't have time... Bring on the next one," Haruka sneered as he turned to look over at other Keel members.

Shiyu attacked Taiga aimlessly, a narrowed look on his face.

"What happened to all that bravado, huh? I like a quiet punching bag...but I can tell you're holding back," Shiyu states.

"Oh, nothing. It's just a little...ritual I do," Taiga replied as he wiped away the blood from his face, just to smear it instead.

"Huh? What kind of nonsensical crap are you spouting?" Shiyu asked.

"I boasted that saving our friends is a virtue. But look at us now. We even needed...our senpai to step in and clean up our mess," Taiga answered with a smile on his lips.

"That's all 'cause you guys are too weak. So wipe that smile...off your damn face!!" Shiyu yelled as he went to Taiga with a fist pulled back.

A grin appeared on Taiga's lips as he grabbed Shiyu's punch that was sent at him.

Shiyu stared at the orange-haired boy in shock and disbelief.

"But smiling...is my virtue!" Taiga replied.

Shiyu watched as Taiga released the hold he had on his fist.

"After all, I'm...an entertainer!!" Taiga shouted as he punched Shiyu on the side of his face.

A pained grunt left Shiyu's lips as he went flying sideways, landing on the ground.

"But, ya know... Just smiling isn't enough to put someone in a good mood," Taiga says as he approaches Shiyu who was just beginning to lift himself, "Stand up. It's time for the final round...lizard breath," he prefers as he cracks his knuckles.

Enomoto punched another Keel member before looking at (Y/n) and Kaji in the corner of his eyes.

"(L/n)-san..." Enomoto sighed heavily when he saw (Y/n)'s body language, "Looks like someone ticked him off. Oh well. They had it coming. Though, it's better for him to be ticked off than pissed even if both emotions are basically him being in the mood to either send the person to the hospital or kill 'em."

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