Chapter 5: A Father's Expectations

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After the celebration party, Sunghoon felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination. With Mr. Lee's insistence ringing in his ears, he decided to take the much-needed vacation to recharge and reflect. But before diving into the unknown of leisure, he had one destination in mind: his parents' house in the quaint village where he grew up.

Sunghoon packed his car with essentials and a trunk full of gifts for his family. The drive to the village was familiar yet comforting, each mile bringing him closer to his roots. As he approached the familiar winding roads, memories flooded back, reminding him of simpler times.

Arriving at his parents' house, Sunghoon was greeted with open arms and warm hugs. His mother's eyes sparkled with joy as she enveloped him in a tight embrace. His father, Park Jinho, stood tall and proud, his stern expression softening at the sight of his son.


The evening passed in a blur of laughter and chatter as Sunghoon caught up with his family. Cousins, aunts, and uncles gathered at the house, eager to hear about Sunghoon's adventures in the city.

"Oh, Sunghoon, tell us about your life in the big city!" exclaimed Aunt Minji, her eyes shining with curiosity as she poured him a cup of tea.

Sunghoon chuckled, settling into a chair surrounded by his relatives. "It's busy, Aunt Minji, but exciting. I've been working on a major project lately, and it's been quite the journey."

His younger cousin, Jiwoo, leaned in eagerly. "Do you get to meet celebrities, Sunghoon? I heard Gangnam is full of famous people!"

Sunghoon laughed, ruffling Jiwoo's hair affectionately. "Not exactly, Jiwoo. But I do get to work with some influential people in the industry."

As the conversation flowed, Sunghoon reached for the pile of gifts he had brought for his family. With a smile, he began distributing them, relishing the joy on his family's faces.

"These are for you, Aunt Minji," Sunghoon said, handing her a beautifully wrapped package. "I hope you like it."

Aunt Minji's eyes lit up as she unwrapped the gift, revealing a delicate porcelain tea set. "Oh, Sunghoon, it's lovely! Thank you so much."

Sunghoon grinned, feeling a warmth spread through him as he watched his family's happiness. Despite the tension with his father, moments like these reminded him of the love and support that surrounded him.


As night fell and the family gathered around the dinner table, Sunghoon's father, Park Jinho, cleared his throat, his gaze fixed on his son.

"Sunghoon-ah, it's been too long since you last visited," Park Jinho began, his tone gentle yet firm. "We've missed having you here."

Sunghoon nodded, a pang of guilt tugging at his heart. "I'm sorry, Appa. I've been caught up with work."

Park Jinho nodded, his expression softening. "I understand, son. But family is important. We worry about you."

Sunghoon glanced away, feeling the weight of his father's expectations bearing down on him. "I know, Appa. I'll try to visit more often."

But Park Jinho wasn't finished. "There's something else we need to discuss, Sunghoon-ah."

Sunghoon tensed, knowing what was coming next. The topic of his love life had always been a point of contention between them.

"Appa, can we not talk about this now?" Sunghoon pleaded, hoping to avoid another argument.

But Park Jinho persisted. "Sunghoon-ah, you're at an age where marriage should be on your mind. Your mother and I want to see you settled down, with a family of your own."

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