Chapter 20: The Routine of Love

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Sunghoon and Jake headed to their respective workplaces, their morning filled with the usual rush. Sunghoon, dressed in a sharp suit, gave Jake a quick kiss before leaving their apartment. Jake, in his casual yet professional attire, reciprocated the affection with a smile.

As Sunghoon arrived at his office, he couldn't help but think about Jake. The morning's events replayed in his mind, a soft smile lingering on his lips as he entered the sleek, modern building of the real estate company where he served as Vice President.

The office buzzed with activity as Sunghoon walked to his corner office, greeting his colleagues along the way. His assistant, Ms. Park, handed him a stack of documents that required his review.

"Good morning, Mr. Park. Your first meeting is in an hour," she informed him.

"Thanks, Ms. Jung," Sunghoon replied, taking the documents.

Throughout the morning, Sunghoon attended meetings, reviewed contracts, and strategized new projects. His colleagues couldn't help but notice his glowing demeanor.

"You're looking particularly happy today, Sunghoon," one of his colleagues, Mr. Kim, remarked with a grin. "What's the secret?"

Sunghoon chuckled, shaking his head. "No secret. Just a good morning."

"Oh, we know that look," Ms. Lee chimed in teasingly. "Must be your pretty husband, huh?"

Sunghoon felt a blush creep up his neck. "Come on, guys. Let's focus on work."

But his colleagues weren't about to let him off that easily. "We should all find someone who makes us glow like that," Mr. Kim added, laughing.

Sunghoon playfully rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the documents on his desk. "You're all impossible," he said with a smile, his heart feeling light.

Meanwhile, Jake was immersed in his work at the engineering firm. He reviewed CAD models, checked the progress of ongoing projects, and collaborated with his team on new mechanical designs. Despite his focus, he found moments to think about Sunghoon, their morning together, and the playful bet that was still on his mind. However, as he focused back on his work, a comment from one of his colleagues caught him off guard.

"Hey, Jake, got a new fashion statement?" Mr. Lee teased with a smirk.

Confused, Jake reached up to touch his nape, where he felt a slight tenderness. He froze as his fingers brushed against a faint hickey.

Mr. Lee laughed, nudging Jake playfully. "Looks like someone had a fun night."

Jake felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "It's nothing," he muttered, trying to play it off.


Around noon, Jake decided it was time for a break. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Sunghoon.

Jake: "How about lunch together? There's a new restaurant nearby I think you'll love."

Sunghoon's phone buzzed with Jake's message. He smiled, immediately replying.

Sunghoon: "Sounds perfect! See you in 30 minutes?"

Jake:"Can't wait. 😊"

They met at a cozy new restaurant that offered a blend of traditional and modern Korean cuisine. Sunghoon arrived first, securing a table in a quiet corner. When Jake walked in, Sunghoon's face lit up.

"Jake! Over here!" Sunghoon waved eagerly.

Jake smiled as he approached, planting a quick kiss on Sunghoon's cheek before sitting down. "Hey, husbabe," he teased, using the nickname with affection.

Sunghoon grinned playfully. "I love it."

Throughout lunch, Sunghoon was his usual affectionate self, reaching out to hold Jake's hand across the table, brushing his fingers through Jake's hair, and leaning in close to whisper sweet nothings. Jake, though a bit more reserved, couldn't hide his fondness for Sunghoon, smiling and laughing at his antics.

However, as they were enjoying their meal, one of Jake's colleagues from the engineering firm happened to walk by their table. She noticed something unusual on Jake's neck.

"Hey, Jake," Mrs. Choi greeted with a smirk. "Is that a hickey on your neck?"

Jake's eyes widened slightly, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. He glanced at Sunghoon, who looked amused and proud at the same time.

"Um, yeah," Jake admitted reluctantly. "It's... uh, nothing."

Mrs. Choi chuckled. "Looks like your husband really knows how to mark his territory, huh?"

Sunghoon burst out laughing, causing Jake to shoot him a playful glare. "Thanks a lot, Sunghoon."

Sunghoon shrugged innocently. "What can I say? I couldn't resist."

Mrs. Choi laughed good-naturedly and continued on her way, leaving Jake slightly embarrassed but also secretly pleased.

After lunch, they both returned to their offices, feeling recharged and happy. Sunghoon dove back into his projects with renewed energy, while Jake tackled the technical challenges of the day with a clear mind.

As evening fell, Sunghoon and Jake returned to their apartment. Mrs. Kim, their maid, had prepared a delicious dinner for them. The aroma of home-cooked food filled the air as they sat down to eat.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim. This looks wonderful," Jake said, smiling warmly at her.

"It's my pleasure. Have a good evening, both of you," she replied, bidding them goodbye as she left for the day.

Later that night, after a relaxing evening together, Sunghoon and Jake headed to bed. Sunghoon quickly drifted off to sleep, but a few hours later, he woke up to find Jake's side of the bed empty. Concerned, he quietly got up and went to look for him.

He found Jake in the living room, laptop open, immersed in his work. The soft glow of the screen illuminated Jake's focused expression.

"Jake, it's late. Come to bed," Sunghoon said softly.

Jake glanced up, a hint of apology in his eyes. "I need to finish these tasks for tomorrow. I'll join you soon, I promise."

Sunghoon sighed but couldn't help feeling proud of Jake's dedication. Still, he wanted his husband by his side. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Jake's shoulders from behind, resting his head on Jake's.

"I can't sleep without you," Sunghoon murmured.

Jake chuckled softly, feeling the warmth of Sunghoon's embrace. "Just a little longer, Sunghoon. I need to review these CAD models and update the documentation."

Sunghoon pouted but nodded. "Fine. But I'm staying right here with you, chèvrefeuille."

He grabbed a blanket and a pillow, curling up beside Jake on the couch. As Jake continued to work, Sunghoon's presence was a comforting weight. Eventually, Sunghoon drifted off to sleep, his head resting on Jake's lap.

Jake glanced down at his sleeping husband, a tender smile on his lips. He continued working, occasionally brushing his fingers through Sunghoon's hair. Despite the late hour and the demands of his job, he felt a deep sense of contentment. 

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