Chapter 28: Like Father, Like Son

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Friday afternoons were always filled with anticipation and excitement as Heeseung eagerly awaited the end of his kindergarten day. As soon as the bell rang, he rushed out of the classroom, waving goodbye to his friends and making a beeline for Mrs. Kim, who was waiting to walk him home. Today was no different, and he burst through the front door with his usual boundless energy.

"Mama! Papa! I'm home!" Heeseung called out, kicking off his shoes and running into the living room where Sunghoon and Jake were relaxing after a long day at work.

Jake looked up from his book, smiling warmly. "Welcome home, sweetheart. How was school today?"

Heeseung climbed onto the couch between his parents, his eyes wide with excitement. "It was great, Mama! Everyone loves me! The girls and boys keep giving me sweets and saying they want to be my friend!"

Sunghoon chuckled, ruffling Heeseung's hair. "Well, who wouldn't love you, little man? You're smart, kind, and handsome."

Jake nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkling. "You know, Heeseung, you're just like your papa. Everywhere Sunghoon goes, he always gets attention. Some people even propose to him!"

Heeseung's eyes widened in awe. "Really, Mama? Papa, is that true?"

Sunghoon laughed, nodding. "It's true. Your mama is right. But I always tell them that I'm already taken by the most beautiful person in the world."

Heeseung looked thoughtful for a moment before he turned to Jake. "Mama, you're really beautiful. Do people admire you too?"

Jake blushed slightly, smiling. "Well, sometimes people do, Heeseung. But your papa always makes sure they know I'm his."

Sunghoon's expression softened as he looked at Jake. "That's right. If someone approaches your mama, I get really jealous. How dare they look at my Jake?"

Heeseung's face lit up with understanding and determination. "Yeah, Papa! I don't like it when others admire Mama either. My mama is mine alone."

Sunghoon and Jake exchanged amused glances, their hearts warming at Heeseung's protectiveness. Sunghoon leaned in closer, wrapping an arm around Jake's shoulders. "Looks like we've got a little team here, Heeseung. We both want to protect our Jake from any admirers."

Heeseung nodded vigorously. "Yes, Papa! We're a team! Mama belongs to us."

Jake laughed softly, feeling a deep sense of love and contentment. "You two are amazing. I feel so loved and protected."

Sunghoon kissed Jake's forehead, then turned to Heeseung. "You know, Heeseung, being protective is good, but we should also trust each other and know that our love is strong enough to handle anything."

Heeseung tilted his head, considering Sunghoon's words. "So, it's okay if people admire Mama, but we know Mama loves us the most?"

Jake smiled, nodding. "Exactly, Heeseung. And I love both of you more than anything in the world."

Sunghoon hugged them both tightly. "And we love you too, Jake. Always."

As they sat there, cuddled together on the couch, the bond between them felt unbreakable. Despite the playful rivalry for Jake's attention, moments like these reminded them of the deep love and understanding they shared as a family.

After a little more conversation and some snacks, the family decided to watch a movie. Heeseung picked his favorite animated film, and they settled in, with Heeseung comfortably nestled between his parents. As the movie played, Heeseung's eyes started to droop, and soon enough, he was fast asleep, his head resting on Jake's lap.

Sunghoon glanced down at their sleeping son, a soft smile playing on his lips. "He had a big day. Our little charmer is growing up so fast."

Jake ran his fingers gently through Heeseung's hair, nodding. "He really is. It's hard to believe how quickly time is passing."

Sunghoon leaned over and pressed a kiss to Jake's cheek. "And through it all, you've been the most amazing partner and parent. I couldn't do this without you."

Jake's eyes sparkled with emotion as he looked at Sunghoon. "We're a team, Hoon. Always have been, always will be."

Sunghoon carefully lifted Heeseung, cradling him in his arms as he carried him to his bedroom. After tucking him in and making sure he was comfortable, Sunghoon and Jake quietly retreated to their own room.

Once they were settled in bed, Sunghoon pulled Jake close, their bodies fitting together perfectly. "You know," Sunghoon murmured, "I was serious earlier. If anyone ever tries to come between us, they'd better be prepared to face the wrath of both of us."

Jake laughed softly, snuggling closer. "And Heeseung, too. He's already shown he's ready to defend his mama."

Sunghoon smiled, his heart full. "We're lucky to have him. And we're lucky to have each other."

Jake lifted his head to kiss Sunghoon gently. "Yes, we are. And no matter what, we'll always be there for each other."

As they lay together in the quiet of the night, their hearts beating in unison, they knew that their love was the foundation of their family. It was a love that had grown stronger with each passing day, a love that would continue to thrive as they faced whatever the future held, side by side, with their little protector by their side.

The weekend continued with laughter, love, and a deep sense of connection. On Saturday morning, they decided to take Heeseung to the park. As they walked hand in hand, with Heeseung running ahead to explore, Sunghoon and Jake couldn't help but marvel at how blessed they were.

"Look, Mama! Look, Papa! Swings!" Heeseung shouted, his excitement palpable.

Sunghoon and Jake smiled at each other, sharing a look of pure joy. They spent the morning pushing Heeseung on the swings, playing tag, and enjoying a picnic under the shade of a large oak tree. The simple pleasures of the day filled their hearts with happiness.

That evening, after a fun-filled day, they returned home and settled in for a quiet night. Heeseung was eager to share his day's adventures with Mrs. Kim, who listened attentively and praised him for being such a good boy.

As bedtime approached, Heeseung showed signs of his usual sleepiness. Sunghoon and Jake took him upstairs, helping him change into his pajamas and brushing his teeth. After reading him a bedtime story, they tucked him in and kissed him goodnight.

"We love you, Heeseung," Jake whispered, brushing a strand of hair from his son's forehead.

Heeseung smiled sleepily. "I love you too, Mama. And Papa."

Sunghoon bent down to kiss Heeseung's cheek. "Sweet dreams, little man."

After ensuring Heeseung was sound asleep, Sunghoon and Jake returned to their room, ready to unwind after a busy day. They lay in bed, their hands intertwined, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the night.

"You know," Jake said softly, "seeing Heeseung so happy and thriving makes everything worthwhile."

Sunghoon nodded, his thumb gently caressing the back of Jake's hand. "It does. He's our greatest joy, and every moment with him is a blessing."

Jake turned to face Sunghoon, his eyes filled with love. "And I couldn't ask for a better partner to share this journey with."

Sunghoon's heart swelled with emotion. "I feel the same way, Jake. You're my everything."

As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that their love was the anchor that held their family together. Through the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, they would always have each other, and the unbreakable bond they shared would see them through whatever life had in store.

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