Chapter 14: The Dinner Party

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Sunghoon and Jake had settled into a comfortable routine, their relationship evolving beyond the initial awkwardness. As they spent more time together, Sunghoon discovered that beneath Jake's soft exterior was a sassy, tsundere personality. Conversely, Jake found that Sunghoon was not just affectionate but downright clingy, often wrapping around him like a koala at the most inopportune moments.

One evening, Sunghoon suggested inviting their friends, Jay and his boyfriend Jungwon, over for dinner. Jake, ever the gracious host, decided to prepare a big meal with the help of their maid, Mrs. Kim.

"Sunghoon, can you set the table?" Jake called from the kitchen, where he was meticulously preparing various dishes with Mrs. Kim's assistance.

Sunghoon wandered into the kitchen, a playful smile on his face. "Sure, but can I help you with something first?"

Jake glanced at him, already knowing where this was headed. "You mean 'help' as in actually assist, or 'help' as in cling to me and distract me?"

Sunghoon grinned, confirming Jake's suspicion. "A little bit of both?"

Mrs. Kim chuckled as she stirred a pot on the stove. "Sunghoon, you should let Jake work. We don't want our guests to go hungry, do we?"

Sunghoon sighed dramatically but complied, setting the table with their best dinnerware. He glanced at Jake, who was skillfully moving around the kitchen, and felt a wave of affection.

"Jake, you look really cute when you're concentrating," Sunghoon said, unable to resist.

Jake shot him a look, half-annoyed, half-amused. "Focus, Sunghoon. And stop being so clingy for once."

Sunghoon laughed and continued his task, but not without sneaking a few more glances at Jake. As the dinner preparations continued, the doorbell rang, signaling Jay and Jungwon's arrival.

"Come in!" Sunghoon called out as he opened the door. "Welcome, guys!"

Jay and Jungwon stepped inside, greeting Sunghoon with warm hugs.

"Wow, something smells amazing," Jay said, sniffing the air appreciatively.

"That's Jake's doing," Sunghoon replied proudly. "He's been working hard in the kitchen."

Jungwon smiled. "It's nice to see you guys so happy together."

Jake emerged from the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel. "Hey, Jay, Jungwon. Make yourselves comfortable. Dinner's almost ready."

Jay grinned. "Need any help in the kitchen, Jake?"

Jake shook his head. "No, thanks. Mrs. Kim and I have got it covered. Just relax and enjoy."

As they chatted, Sunghoon took the opportunity to sidle up to Jake, wrapping his arms around him from behind. Jake sighed but didn't push him away, knowing it was a losing battle.

"You're impossible," Jake muttered.

"And you love it," Sunghoon whispered back, planting a kiss on Jake's cheek.

Mrs. Kim smiled at the display as she brought out the first dish. "Young love," she remarked, setting the food on the table.

Jay and Jungwon took their seats, admiring the spread. "This looks incredible, Jake," Jungwon said.

Jake blushed slightly. "Thanks. I hope you like it."

As they began to eat, the conversation flowed easily. They laughed and shared stories, the atmosphere warm and relaxed.

"So, how's life living together?" Jay asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"It's been... interesting," Jake replied, shooting a playful glare at Sunghoon, who just grinned back.

"Jake's a wonderful cook, and Sunghoon is... well, very affectionate," Jungwon said diplomatically.

"Affectionate is one way to put it," Jake said with a chuckle. "Clingy is more accurate."

Sunghoon feigned offense. "Hey, I just like being close to you!"

Jay laughed. "You two are like an old married couple already."

Jake and Sunghoon exchanged a look, both realizing how true that statement had become. Despite their differences, or maybe because of them, they had grown closer and more comfortable with each other.

After a moment of contemplation, Jay's eyes lit up with an idea. "Hey, why don't we all go on a picnic this weekend? There's that nice forest nearby. It could be a fun double date."

Sunghoon's face lit up. "That sounds like a great idea! What do you think, Jake?"

Jake glanced at Sunghoon, then at Jay and Jungwon, and finally at Mrs. Kim, who nodded encouragingly. "A picnic sounds nice. We could all use a bit of fresh air and relaxation."

Jungwon clapped his hands together. "Perfect! We'll bring some snacks and drinks. Jake, you can handle the main dishes?"

"Sure," Jake agreed, smiling. "It's a plan, then."

As the evening drew to a close, Jay and Jungwon thanked their hosts and promised to return the favor soon.

"Thanks for the amazing dinner, Jake. And Sunghoon, keep being you," Jay said with a wink.

After their friends left, Sunghoon helped Jake with the dishes, albeit in his own way, by standing close and occasionally sneaking in a kiss or two.

"You know," Jake said as they finished up, "you're not so bad to have around."

Sunghoon grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Mrs. Kim entered the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel. "You boys did a great job tonight. The food was delicious, and the company even better."

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim. We couldn't have done it without you," Jake said sincerely.

"That's right," Sunghoon added. "You're the best, Mrs. Kim."

She smiled warmly. "It's my pleasure. Now, you two should get some rest. I'll finish up here."

Jake and Sunghoon thanked her again, and as they headed to bed, Sunghoon wrapped himself around Jake, and for once, Jake didn't mind. They had found their rhythm, and for now, that was enough.

Hey everyone! Just dropping by to share a fun chapter with you. Sunghoon and Jake are up to their usual antics, with Sunghoon being his affectionate self and Jake trying to keep it together in the kitchen. Their friends Jay and Jungwon join in for dinner, and they all decide to plan a picnic together. Can't wait to see what's next for these guys! Catch you later!

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