Chapter 40: The Dream's Wake-Up Call

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Sunghoon jolted awake, a cold sweat clinging to his skin. His breath came in ragged gasps as the remnants of the dream lingered in his mind—Jake and Heeseung making out in their house, the vision searing into his consciousness. He blinked rapidly, trying to dispel the haunting images.

He looked around, realizing he was in Jay's guest room. The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. He heard the faint sounds of Jay moving around in the kitchen, the clinking of dishes and the hum of the coffee machine grounding him in reality.

Sunghoon swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his heart still racing. He needed to talk to someone, and Jay was the perfect person. He made his way to the kitchen, finding Jay pouring coffee into two mugs.

"Hey, you're up early," Jay said with a warm smile. "Coffee?"

Sunghoon nodded, grateful for the familiar comfort. He took the mug and sat down at the kitchen table, his mind still reeling from the dream.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Jay observed, taking a seat across from him. "What's going on?"

Sunghoon took a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts. "I had a nightmare," he began, his voice trembling. "I dreamt that Jake and Heeseung... they were together. In our house."

Jay's expression softened with understanding. "Dreams can be pretty intense. But it's just a dream, Sunghoon. It doesn't mean anything."

Sunghoon shook his head, his anxiety bubbling to the surface. "It felt so real, Jay. I can't shake it off. I need to go home and make sure everything's okay."

Jay reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Sunghoon's arm. "I get it. But remember, Jake loves you. You have to trust in that."

Sunghoon nodded, but the unease didn't dissipate. He quickly finished his coffee and thanked Jay before rushing out the door, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty. The drive home felt agonizingly long, every red light and traffic delay only heightening his anxiety.

When he finally pulled into the driveway, his heart was pounding in his chest. He hurried inside, calling out for Jake. "Jake! Where are you?"

Jake appeared at the top of the stairs, his eyes wide with surprise. "Sunghoon?

Sunghoon ran up to him, his voice frantic. "Where's Heeseung? Is he still here?"

Jake's expression softened with a concern. "He left. He left a letter for you."

Sunghoon's heart sank as Jake handed him a neatly folded piece of paper. With trembling hands, Sunghoon opened it and began to read.


Dear Park Sunghoon,

You gave me an unforgettable chance, and I won't forget you ever in my life. Thank you. When you left Jake with me, I could see the pain in your eyes as a man who also loves Jake. You gave Jake and me a day, but an hour was sufficient for us. Forty minutes of silence, ten minutes of formal inquiries, and ten minutes of talking. Even in those ten minutes, the words that came out of Jake's mouth were 'Sunghoon', 'Sunghoon' and 'Sunghoon' only.

I realized that you both are immensely in love and leading a very happy life. We usually get protective of our important or valuable things because we fear others will take them and misuse them. But if we come to know that the thing is safer with others than with us, it gives us relief and peace. With that relief, I go back from here.

While you and Jake have built a beautiful life together, my heart will always hold a special place for him. I want you to know that I cherish every moment we shared in the past and the brief time we had during this visit. I saw the way Jake looks at you, the way he speaks your name with so much love and affection. It's clear to me that he has found his true happiness with you, Sunghoon.

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