Chapter 22: A New Journey Begins

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Jake was immersed in his work, the hum of the office around him blending into a background noise. His phone buzzed, breaking his concentration. He glanced at the screen and saw Sunghoon's mother, Park Minhee, calling. He quickly picked up.

"Hello, Mrs. Park. How are you?" Jake greeted warmly.

"Hello, Jake. I'm well, thank you. How are you?" Minhee 's voice was kind and steady.

"I'm doing well, thanks," Jake replied, wondering what prompted the call.

"I wanted to talk to you about something important, Jake," Minhee continued. "It's about your and Sunghoon's lifestyle."

Jake felt a slight tension in his chest, but he remained calm. "Of course, what is it?"

Minhee's tone was gentle but direct. "I've been thinking a lot about your future together. Have you and Sunghoon ever talked about raising a child?"

Jake was taken aback but recovered quickly. "We've talked about it a bit. I actually want to have a child someday, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to raise one. And I'm not certain how Sunghoon feels about it now."

Minhee's voice softened. "I understand, Jake. Raising a child is a big responsibility, but it can also bring immense joy. Have you thought about discussing this seriously with Sunghoon?"

Jake nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "I think it's time we had a serious conversation about it. Thank you for bringing this up."

Minhee's warmth was palpable even over the phone. "You're welcome, Jake. Sunghoon loves you very much, and I know you'll make wonderful parents. Just talk to him and see where you both stand. And please, call me Mom."

Jake felt a lump in his throat, deeply touched by her acceptance. "Thank you, Mom. That means a lot to me."

That night, as Jake and Sunghoon were relaxing in their apartment, Jake decided it was the right moment to bring up the conversation.

"Sunghoon, I need to talk to you about something important," Jake began, his tone serious.

Sunghoon turned to him, his expression attentive. "What is it, Chèvrefeuille?"

Jake took a deep breath. "I got a call from your mother today. She wanted to talk about our lifestyle and brought up the idea of raising a child."

Sunghoon's eyebrows lifted in surprise, but he remained silent, letting Jake continue.

"I told her that I actually want to have a kid, but I'm not sure if I'm ready. And I don't know how you feel about it now," Jake confessed.

Sunghoon's face softened, and he reached out to take Jake's hand. "Jake, if you're ready to raise a child with me, then I'm wholeheartedly ready too. I'll do everything I can to provide a peaceful and loving environment as a father."

Jake felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Really? You'd be okay with adopting a child together?"

Sunghoon nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Absolutely. The real question is, do you want to adopt a boy or a girl?"

Jake thought for a moment. "I want to have a girl, but honestly, I don't really care about the gender."

Sunghoon chuckled. "I was thinking about adopting a boy. Then we can bully you together. Plus, being an only child, I want to treat my son like a brother or a friend."

Jake laughed, feeling the tension of the conversation melt away. "You're impossible. But I love you."

The next day, Sunghoon took the initiative and spoke to his assistant, Mrs. Choi.

"Mrs. Choi, I need you to find a reputable child adoption agency," Sunghoon instructed.

Mrs. Choi, always efficient, nodded. "Of course, Mr. Park. I'll get on it right away."

A few days later, Mrs. Choi informed Sunghoon that she had found a good adoption agency. Sunghoon shared the news with Jake, and together, they made arrangements to visit the agency.

The day they went to the adoption agency was filled with anticipation. Sunghoon and Jake arrived hand in hand, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. They were greeted warmly by the agency staff and were soon introduced to several children.

As they interacted with the children, they were drawn to a particular boy. He was only a year old, with big, curious eyes and a gentle disposition. He reached out to them with tiny hands, and both Sunghoon and Jake felt an instant connection.

The agency director approached them with a kind smile. "This little boy has a touching story. His mother was a young girl, underage, who gave birth to him and left him here because she had no means to raise him."

Sunghoon and Jake exchanged a glance, their hearts aching for the boy and his mother.

Sunghoon crouched down to the boy's level, smiling warmly. "Hi there, little one."

The boy gurgled happily, his eyes bright with interest.

Jake's heart melted as he watched Sunghoon interact with the boy. "What do you think, Sunghoon?"

Sunghoon looked up at Jake, his expression filled with warmth and certainty. "I think he's perfect. What about you?"

Jake nodded, tears of joy welling in his eyes. "Yes, he's perfect.

The agency staff explained the adoption process, and Sunghoon and Jake completed the necessary paperwork. They hadn't decided on a name yet, but they knew it would come to them in time.

As they left the agency, the little boy nestled comfortably in Sunghoon's arms, they felt an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. They had taken the first step towards building a family together.

That night, in their apartment, they sat with the boy between them, discussing possible names.

Sunghoon turned to Jake, his expression serious yet tender. "Jake, why don't you suggest a name for him?"

Jake thought for a moment, then with a lovely smile, he said, "Heeseung."

Sunghoon noticed longing in Jake's eyes that he couldn't ignore. But for now, he chose to focus on the joy of the moment. He wrapped his arms around Jake and the boy, pulling them close. "Welcome home, my boy."

The boy gurgled happily, his tiny hands reaching out to touch both Sunghoon and Jake.

Sunghoon pressed a gentle kiss to Jake's temple. "I love you, Jake. Thank you for taking this journey with me."

Jake smiled, feeling the warmth of Sunghoon's love. "I love you too, Sunghoon. Here's to our new beginning."

As they put Heeseung to bed, Sunghoon wrapped an arm around Jake, pulling him close. "We're going to be great parents, Chèvrefeuille."

Jake rested his head on Sunghoon's shoulder. "I know we will. And Heeseung is going to have the best life with us."

And with that, they drifted off to sleep, their hearts full of joy and anticipation for the future, knowing they had everything they needed to create a loving and happy family.

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