Chapter 16: The Journey Begins

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Sunghoon and Jake drove down the highway, the car filled with excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. The radio played softly in the background, providing a pleasant soundtrack to their journey. Sunghoon, in the passenger seat, tapped his fingers along to the music, occasionally glancing at Jake with a smile.

"I'm really looking forward to this picnic," Sunghoon said, his eyes sparkling.

"Me too," Jake replied, keeping his eyes on the road. "It's been a while since we've done something like this. Plus, it'll be nice to hang out with Jay and Jungwon outside of the usual places."

After an hour of driving, they approached a gas station and rest area. Jake pulled the car into the parking lot, finding a spot near the entrance. They decided to take a quick break and check in with Jay and Jungwon.

Jake dialed Jay's number and waited as it rang. On the second ring, Jay picked up.

"Hey, Jake! What's up?"

"Hey, Jay. We're at the rest area near the gas station. Where are you guys?"

Jay's voice crackled through the phone. "We're about five minutes away. Just had to make a quick pit stop. We'll be there soon."

"Great, see you in a bit," Jake said before hanging up.

Sunghoon stretched and yawned. "They'll be here in five minutes. Want to grab a drink or a snack while we wait?"

"Sure," Jake agreed. "Let's head inside."

They walked into the convenience store, browsing the shelves for a few minutes. Sunghoon picked up a couple of bottles of water and some snacks while Jake grabbed a coffee. They paid for their items and returned to the car, just as Jay and Jungwon pulled into the parking lot.

"Perfect timing," Jake said, waving them over.

Jay and Jungwon stepped out of their car, looking cheerful and ready for the day. Jay grinned as he approached. "Hey, guys! Ready for the picnic?"

"Absolutely," Sunghoon replied, handing Jay a bottle of water. "We're all set. How about you?"

"We've got everything we need," Jungwon said, holding up a bag filled with snacks and drinks. "So, what's the plan from here?"

Jake pulled out a map and spread it across the hood of the car. "We're here," he pointed, "and the picnic spot is about another forty minutes from here. We just need to figure out the best route to take."

Jay studied the map for a moment before nodding. "I've been to this area before. There's a scenic route that's really nice and not too much longer. How about I lead the way and you guys can follow?"

Sunghoon and Jake exchanged a glance and nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to us," Jake said.

Jay folded the map and handed it back to Jake. "Alright, then. Let's get going. Follow us and we'll be there in no time."

As they got back into their respective cars, Sunghoon turned to Jake with a grin. "I'm really glad we're doing this. It's going to be a great day."

Jake smiled, reaching over to squeeze Sunghoon's hand. "Me too. Let's go enjoy it."

The two cars pulled out of the parking lot, with Jay and Jungwon leading the way. The scenic route Jay had mentioned took them through rolling hills and lush, green countryside. The windows were down, letting in the fresh air as they drove, and the sight of the beautiful landscape only added to the excitement.

Along the way, Sunghoon and Jake chatted about their favorite picnic memories from childhood, laughing and sharing stories. The camaraderie between them was palpable, and the drive felt shorter than it was as they immersed themselves in conversation.

After about forty minutes, they reached the entrance to the picnic area. It was a picturesque spot nestled by a clear, sparkling lake with plenty of shaded areas and open fields. Jay parked his car and waved them over to a prime spot near the water.

"This place is perfect," Sunghoon said as he stepped out of the car, taking in the view.

"Yeah, it really is," Jake agreed, opening the trunk to start unloading their supplies.

Jay and Jungwon joined them, carrying their bags and cooler. "Let's set up over there," Jay suggested, pointing to a large oak tree that provided ample shade.

They spread out blankets and set up their picnic area, arranging the food and drinks in an inviting display. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful, filled with the sounds of birds singing and leaves rustling in the breeze.

As they settled down to enjoy their picnic, Sunghoon leaned back against the tree, a contented smile on his face. "This is exactly what I needed. Good food, great friends, and a beautiful day."

Jungwon nodded, passing around a plate of snacks. "Absolutely. It's nice to just relax and enjoy each other's company."

Jake looked around at his friends, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and happiness. "Here's to many more days like this," he said, raising his glass in a toast.

"To many more," they all echoed, clinking their glasses together and savoring the moment.

After finishing their food and enjoying the serene environment for a while, Jungwon sat up with a playful grin. "Hey, how about we play a game to make things even more fun?"

Jay raised an eyebrow. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let's play Truth or Dare," Jungwon suggested. "It'll be a great way to pass the time and get to know each other even better."

Sunghoon clapped his hands in excitement. "I'm in! Let's do it."

Jake chuckled. "Alright, I'm game. Who starts?"

Jungwon looked around and then pointed at Sunghoon. "How about you start, Sunghoon? Truth or Dare?"

Sunghoon thought for a moment before grinning mischievously. "Dare."

Jungwon rubbed his hands together, thinking of a good dare. "Okay, I dare you to run to that tree over there and back—doing the chicken dance the entire way."

Everyone laughed as Sunghoon got up and started doing the chicken dance, flapping his arms and clucking all the way to the tree and back. By the time he returned, they were all in stitches.

"Alright, my turn," Sunghoon said, catching his breath. He looked at Jay. "Truth or Dare?"

Jay smirked. "Truth."

Sunghoon thought for a moment. "What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?"

Jay groaned but laughed. "Okay, so once, during a company meeting, I accidentally called my boss 'Mom.' I was so tired that day, and it just slipped out. The entire room went silent, and then everyone burst out laughing. I've never lived it down."

The group erupted in laughter again, picturing the scene. As the game continued, they shared more stories, dares, and laughter, each turn bringing them closer together.

When it was Jake's turn, Sunghoon asked, "Truth or Dare?"

Jake hesitated, then said, "Truth."

Sunghoon grinned. "What's one thing you've always wanted to do but haven't had the chance to yet?"

Jake looked thoughtful. "I've always wanted to take a road trip across the country, just seeing new places and experiencing new things. It's something I've dreamed of doing but haven't had the time for."

Sunghoon squeezed his hand. "We'll make that happen someday, Jake. I promise."

The game went on, filled with more lighthearted moments and revelations. By the end, they were all lying on the blankets, looking up at the sky, feeling more connected than ever.

Jungwon sighed contentedly. "This has been such a great day. I'm glad we did this."

"Me too," Jay agreed. "We should make this a regular thing."

Sunghoon nodded. "Definitely. It's been amazing."

Jake smiled, feeling the warmth of the sun and the joy of being surrounded by friends. "Here's to many more days like this," he said again, raising his glass in another toast.

"To many more," they all echoed, clinking their glasses together and savoring the moment once more.

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