Chapter 10: Embracing New Beginnings

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As Sunghoon drove through the bustling streets of Seoul, his mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of his responsibilities as a Vice President and the excitement of his impending wedding with Jake filled his thoughts, creating a unique blend of anticipation and nervousness.

As he pulled up to his apartment building, Sunghoon's phone buzzed with a text from his parents, Jinho and Minhee, checking in on him after his long drive.

"Hey, son, just wanted to make sure you got back to Seoul safely," the message read, Minhee's signature warmth evident even through text.

Sunghoon smiled as he typed out a quick reply, assuring them of his safe arrival and expressing his gratitude for their support during the engagement ceremony.

As he stepped into his apartment, Sunghoon's phone rang, and he eagerly answered, knowing it was his parents on the other end.

"Hello, pa, ma," Sunghoon greeted them, his voice filled with affection.

"Sunghoon-ah, did you arrive safely?" Minhee's voice was filled with concern, her maternal instincts kicking in.

"Yes, ma, I'm home now," Sunghoon reassured her, feeling a wave of gratitude for his parents' love and care.

"How was the drive back?" Jinho chimed in, his deep voice steady and reassuring.

"It was fine, pa, just a bit tiring," Sunghoon admitted, sinking into the familiar comfort of his parents' voices.

"We're glad to hear that, son," Minhee said, her voice softening with affection. "We miss you already, but we know you have important work to do in Seoul."

Sunghoon nodded, feeling a pang of longing for his parents' presence. "I miss you too, ma. But don't worry, I'll visit soon."

"We'll hold you to that, Sunghoon-ah," Jinho teased gently, his love for his son evident in every word.

As they exchanged more updates and expressions of love, Sunghoon felt a sense of reassurance wash over him. No matter how busy life got or how uncertain the future seemed, he knew he could always count on the unwavering love and support of his parents.

With their blessings echoing in his heart, Sunghoon hung up the phone, feeling a renewed sense of determination to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead. As he prepared for bed, thoughts of Jake and their future together filled his mind, fueling his excitement and anticipation for the journey that lay ahead.

Next day, as Sunghoon settled into his office, the weight of his responsibilities lifted momentarily as he dialed Jay's number. Jay, always the reliable confidant, answered after a couple of rings.

"Hey, Sunghoon, what's up?" Jay's voice sounded warm and familiar, a welcome respite from the whirlwind of thoughts in Sunghoon's mind.

"Hey, Jay," Sunghoon replied, a smile tugging at his lips despite the gravity of his thoughts. "I just wanted to catch up and tell you about what happened during my vacation at my parents' house."

"Ooh, spill the beans! How was it?" Jay's curiosity was palpable, his eagerness to hear Sunghoon's updates evident.

Sunghoon took a deep breath, the memories of his time with Jake and his family flooding back. "Well, you know how my parents have been nudging me about marriage lately?"

"Yeah, they've been dropping hints for a while now," Jay chuckled. "So, did you finally give in and propose to someone?"

Sunghoon hesitated for a moment, his mind still processing the whirlwind of events that had led to his engagement with Jake. "Actually... yes," he finally admitted, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice.

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