Chapter 27: Kindergarten Adventures

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As Heeseung grew older, his features became more refined, and his personality shone even brighter. By the time he turned five, he was a strikingly handsome boy, with bright eyes and a smile that could light up any room. It was time for Heeseung to start kindergarten, and Sunghoon and Jake couldn't have been prouder.

On Heeseung's first day of kindergarten, Sunghoon and Jake both took the morning off work to accompany him. They walked hand in hand, with Heeseung in the middle, swinging his backpack excitedly.

"Are you excited, Heeseung?" Jake asked, looking down at their son.

Heeseung nodded eagerly. "Yes, Mama! I can't wait to make new friends and learn new things!"

Sunghoon smiled, squeezing Heeseung's hand. "You're going to have so much fun, little man. And we'll be right here to pick you up after school."

As they arrived at the school gates, Heeseung turned to his parents, his eyes sparkling with excitement and a hint of nervousness. "Will you wait for me, Papa? Mama?"

Jake knelt down to be at eye level with Heeseung. "Of course, sweetheart. We'll be here waiting for you."

Sunghoon leaned down and kissed Heeseung's forehead. "Have a great day, Heeseung. We love you."

Heeseung beamed, giving each of his parents a big hug before running off to join his new classmates. Sunghoon and Jake watched him go, their hearts swelling with pride and a touch of melancholy at how quickly he was growing up.

During the weekdays, while Heeseung was at school, he spent his afternoons with Mrs. Kim, their kind and attentive maid. Mrs. Kim had become like a grandmother to Heeseung, always ready with a smile and a story. She would pick him up from school, help him with his homework, and play games with him until his parents came home from work.

One sunny afternoon, Heeseung was sitting at the kitchen table, coloring a picture while Mrs. Kim prepared a snack. "Mrs. Kim, look at my drawing! It's a picture of our family!"

Mrs. Kim turned around, her face lighting up with pride. "Oh, Heeseung, it's beautiful! You're such a talented artist."

Heeseung smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Do you think Mama and Papa will like it?"

"They'll love it, dear. You always make such wonderful pictures," Mrs. Kim replied, setting down a plate of cookies and a glass of milk in front of him.

On weekends, Heeseung eagerly anticipated spending time with his parents. Saturday mornings were reserved for family outings, and Sunday afternoons were filled with fun activities at home. Sunghoon and Jake made sure to dedicate quality time to their son, cherishing every moment they had together.

One Saturday, they decided to go to the zoo. Heeseung was thrilled, bouncing with excitement as they walked through the gates.

"Look, Mama! Look, Papa! A lion!" Heeseung exclaimed, pointing at the majestic animal lounging in its enclosure.

Sunghoon laughed, lifting Heeseung onto his shoulders for a better view. "Isn't it amazing, Heeseung? Lions are very strong and brave."

Jake stood beside them, taking pictures and smiling at the sight of his two favorite people sharing such a special moment. As they moved from one exhibit to another, Heeseung's excitement never waned.

Later that evening, after they had returned home and Heeseung was settled in bed, Sunghoon and Jake finally had a moment to themselves. They sat on the couch, leaning into each other, enjoying the quiet.

"You know, I love our weekends together," Jake said softly, resting his head on Sunghoon's shoulder.

Sunghoon wrapped an arm around Jake, pulling him closer. "Me too. It's the best part of the week."

Just as they were about to share a tender kiss, a small voice interrupted them. "Mama! Papa!"

They turned to see Heeseung standing in the doorway, clutching his stuffed animal. "I can't sleep," he said, his eyes wide and a little pouty.

Jake sighed softly, smiling. "Come here, Heeseung."

Heeseung climbed onto the couch between them, snuggling close to Jake. Sunghoon chuckled, ruffling Heeseung's hair. "Looks like our cuddle time has been hijacked."

Heeseung looked up at Sunghoon with a mischievous grin. "Mama is mine tonight, Papa."

Sunghoon sighed dramatically. "Alright, alright. I'll just have to share."

Jake kissed Heeseung's forehead, then glanced at Sunghoon with a playful smile. "You know, one day you'll have to share me with someone else, Heeseung."

Heeseung's eyes widened, his protective instincts kicking in. "No! Mama is mine!"

Sunghoon laughed, shaking his head. "We'll see about that, little man."

As the evening progressed, they watched a movie together, Heeseung nestled comfortably between his parents. Sunghoon and Jake shared knowing glances over Heeseung's head, their love for their son and each other evident in every look and touch.

Eventually, Heeseung fell asleep, his head resting on Jake's lap. Sunghoon carefully lifted him and carried him to bed, tucking him in gently.

As they returned to the living room, Sunghoon pulled Jake into a warm embrace. "You know, even with Heeseung's little jealous streak, I wouldn't change a thing about our life."

Jake nodded, resting his head against Sunghoon's chest. "Me neither. He's growing up so fast, but he'll always be our little boy."

Sunghoon tilted Jake's chin up, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. "I love you, Chèvrefeuille. And I love our family."

Jake smiled against Sunghoon's lips. "I love you too, Sunghoon. Always."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter how fast time passed or how much Heeseung grew, their love and the bond they shared as a family would only grow stronger. 

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