Unexpected News

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Unexpected News

Three years had passed since Lori-Anne and Jon's beautiful wedding. They had settled into their lives in Montana, surrounded by family and the serenity of the farm. One crisp morning, Lori-Anne woke up feeling queasy. She rushed to the bathroom and threw up, realizing something was off.

As she washed her face, a thought struck her: she couldn't remember the last time she'd had her period. Her heart began to race. Could it be? She quickly grabbed her phone and called Emma.

"Mom, I just realized my period is late. What do I do?" Lori-Anne's voice was filled with panic.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. We'll figure this out together," Emma replied soothingly. "Why don't we get a pregnancy test?"

The Test

Emma arrived shortly after, bringing a pregnancy test with her. Lori-Anne took the test and waited nervously. The minutes felt like hours, but finally, the result appeared: positive.

"Mom, it's positive. I'm pregnant," Lori-Anne said, her voice a mix of shock and excitement.

Emma hugged her tightly. "Oh, honey, that's wonderful news! You're going to be an amazing mom."

Telling Jon and David

Later that evening, Lori-Anne gathered Jon and their five-year-old son, David, in the living room. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"Guys, I have some exciting news," Lori-Anne began, her eyes shining. "We're going to have a baby!"

Jon's face lit up with joy. "Really? That's amazing!" He pulled Lori-Anne into a tight embrace, then knelt down to David's level. "Hey, buddy, you're going to be a big brother!"

David's eyes widened with excitement. "Really, Mommy? I get to be a big brother?"

"Yes, sweetie," Lori-Anne said, smiling. "You're going to have a little brother or sister."

Sharing the News

The next day, Lori-Anne and Jon decided to share the news with the rest of the family. They gathered everyone at the farmhouse for a family dinner. As they sat around the table, Lori-Anne stood up to make the announcement.

"We have some exciting news to share," Lori-Anne said, holding Jon's hand. "Jon and I are expecting a baby!"

The room erupted in cheers and congratulations. Austin, always quick with a joke, couldn't help but quip, "Looks like we need to start building more rooms in the farmhouse!"

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