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Lee Minho was an infamous professor.

That's what Jisung found out as he researched his new boss.
He honestly hoped for someone good, fair, clever... All things that had seemed to be Mr Lee's characteristics...

"Han Jisung..." had smiled Mr Kim when they had met to talk about it:
"You're probably one of the most brilliant students I've ever had the pleasure of teaching"

At that, Jisung had blushed slightly:
"Thanks, professor..."

He had waved a hand around, as if to dismiss his grateful expression:
"I want you to have an experience worth your time because I know you can go far..."

Jisung had nodded, curious.

"Now... recently a new professor has been added to our university's roster... The name is... Lee Minho"

"Lee Minho..." Jisung had never heared of him.

Mr Kim had seemed to notice his confused expression because he let out a small laugh and instantly got to explaining:

"He's a famous geologist who agreed to pick up our first year physical geography class"

Jisung had nodded once again, he vaguely remembered taking that course back then, too.

"Since this is one of the exams that went the best for you I thought you'd be of help to Mr Lee, as well as acting as a sort of guide for him around campus"

Mr Kim had handed him some documents and Jisung had distractedly read through them as the professor continued:
"Mr Lee may come off as a bit... stand-offiish at first but I assure you he'll treat you with kindness and his knowledge will be of most use to you"

Now, Jisung stared at the various answers his public anonymous question had received and tried to dissipate the anxiety that was starting to grow in his stomach.

The answers were everything but coherent.

Some swore Mr Lee was the best teacher they had ever had, others called him out for "bullying" students and of course, some girls wrote entire paragraphs on how hot he was.

Jisung scratched his nape, worried:
"What the hell have I gotten myself into??"


kk so I have this fic written until chap 20 soooo I'll try to post at least twice a week^^

let's see how that goes

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