Jisung's hand trembled as he opened the door to the university bar, Minho trailing behind him.
He didn't know what had gotten into him.
It's just... they basically had spent zero time togheter that morning and... he liked being around Mr Lee.
Hear him explain his teaching methods, joke with him about their students, listen as he gave him hope about his future...
And well, he liked the recent deveolpments of their relationship.
From a purely professional one to...something more?
"No, no. Mr Lee is just messing with me. He has a wife after all."
he reminded himself.
"This is a complitely harmless lunch that totally does not feel like a date"
his heart skipped a beat as he thought that.
Minho sat down at a table near the window and Jisung walked to the counter.
"Jisung..." Hyunjin addressed him with a sly smirk:
"With Mr Lee?? I'm impressed"The assistant burned bright red and hissed:
"It's not like that"Hyunjin shrugged, that annoying expression still plastered on his face:
"Ok, sure, whatever you say..."Jisung ordered for both of them and as he walked to the table Hyunjin whispered a final:
"Good luck!"
to him.Jisung rolled his eyes but inside he silently appreciated it.
"Here" he said, placing the food down.
"Do you know him well?" asked Mr Lee, gesturing to Hyune.
"Oh, yeah" Jisung answered, confused by the sudden question:
"We were in the same class a while back. Why?""The party. I saw you two dance togheter for a bit... with that freckly boy too?"
"Ah, yes. Felix. They're both my best friends." he clarified.
The mention of the party had gotten him a bit worked up.
So had Mr Lee been observing him all evening?
The thought made tingles rise in his belly."Well, I'm glad you have someone you trust and can be yourself around" Minho conceded.
"Do you have that?"
The professor smiled slightly, seemingly reliving a memory:
"I have Seungmin. And someone back home, waiting for me..."The answer was vague but Jisung assumed he was talking about his wife. A bitter taste filled his mouth. Suddenly he didn't want to eat anymore.
"Isn't that right..." he grumbled.
Minho seemed to notice his mood switch and totally misinterpreted it:
"Well obviously I have you too, Jisung"The assistant held his breath, taking in the soft way Mr Lee's eyes were caressing his face.
"Right..." he breathed, unable to produce any more words.
"And you have me" Minho continued:
"Really, in case anything happens, feel free to come to me, allright?"Jisung nodded:
"Thanks, Mr Lee"A small grimace appeared on his face at that:
"You know what? You're right. <<Mr Lee>> does feel awfully old. Just call me Minho, will you?"
"Thanks, Minho" Jisung tried, tasting the name on his tongue.
Yes, that felt right.
He looked back to Minho just in time to see his gaze flicker down to his lips and his entire body got rigid.
But the moment passed so quick that Jisung later thought he had imagined it and the lunch continued with their usual banter.
"...and Matt! I don't think he has survived a single class without falling asleep! That boy is insane" was laughing Minho when they exited the bar.
"What if I told you I was like that too back then"
Minho looked at him with surprised eyes:
"Fuck off"Jisung smirked back:
"I'm for real""No, you're not, there's no way"
retorted Minho, pushing him away slightly.Jisung laughed at his shock:
"I'm not lying! I was one of those students who studied everything the day before and somehow got things right!""Ahh, the annoying kind"
At that, Jisung returned the small push which soon turned into a bit of a joke-fight.
They were laughing and messing around like actual friends.
Jisung's heart was so full he didn't know what to do with himself."Right" sighed Minho when he finally managed to stop laughing:
"My flat's around the corner"He gestured to a pretty green area, home to a park.
"Right" Jisung repeated:
"See you tomorrow then""Mhm" Minho hummed.
He made to leave but only walked a few steps before turning around:
"Jisung?" he called:
"Usually I stop at the bar to get coffee before class, if you'd like to-""I'll be there" interrupted him Jisung eagerly.
The two shared a shy smile then went their separate ways at last.
Jisung pressed a hand to his mouth, walking fast towards home, heart thumping in his throat.
"Oh this is bad. Real bad."

Window to freedom °•Minsung•°
FanfictionWhere Jisung becomes a strict professor's assistant ("Good Luck, Babe!" type beat)