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Minho didn't sleep a second that night.

He spent hours gnawing at his nails and writing and rewriting a script of what he was going to say to Yoona, heart thumping with anxiety.

"What am I even doing?" he would ask himself every once in a while:
"Entertaining the possibility of losing my all time favorite person for this boy I've met just a few months ago"

But then he'd think of Jisung and resolve would fill him all over again.

He soon learned that he'd do anything not to lose him, even do the one thing he had been avoiding for so long, the one thing that scared him more than anything.

When 6 o'clock chimed along with the church bells Minho called Yoona. He couldn't wait any longer or he'd go insane.

"Hi." she stated professionally.

"Hi, Yoona" Minho said then he cleared his voice:

"I want to explain myself and tell you everything you have the right to know... But first just wanted to say that I care about you immensely...that you're everything to me and I don't want to lose you"

"Mhm." Yoon stated, voice already trembling.

"As you've noticed" Minho started:
"I've changed a lot while staying here. This is because I've discovered things about myself that I never knew possible and it's been hard to accept this new reality, it's been...scary"

"Mhm." Yoon said again, now holding back tears.

"I've discovered that I'm attracted to men" Minho said in a breath. Then he inhaled, preparing himself for the truth bomb:
"And that I don't like women, after all. I'm gay, Yoon."

He waited and waited, only troubled breathing exiting the phone for a bit.

Then Yoona cried:
"I knew it"

Her sobs were heartwrenching and Minho could barely listen to them without feeling his heart rip apart. She was crying because of him. He had hurt her that much.

"I had a feeling..." she managed to say:
"Because..b-because you wouldn't say I love you anymore and- a-and at Christmas...you were so stiff I- I'm sorry" she suddenly sobbed.

"What? What, Yoona no, I'm sorry! I should've told you sooner, I've been a dick to you for months, you didn't deserve any of that!"

They were both crying and apologising...what a mess.

"I'm sorry that I forced you into things!" she sobbed:
"You were probably so uncomfortable!"

"You didn't know! It was all my fault anyway..." he sobbed.

In the end, they managed to calm down after half an hour of cried apologies and confessions.

"Min...I still love you, thought. Like...Romantically" she mumbled at last, exhausted.

"I know." he stated.

"I think it'd be better for us if we took a break from eachother. Stopped talking for a while."

"Mhm" he was the one to hum this time.

"I need some time to process this before we can tell everyone..."

"Oh that's going to be a mess" Minho thought with a grimace.

"I'm sorry I caused all this" he lamented.

"It's ok" Yoona sighed:
"It's who you are, you were bound to find out eventually..."

"My mum's going to be so mad" he realised.

"My dad too!! He was so happy that I'd stopped dating girls and settled for a man, what a surprise this'll be"

They both groaned.

"Well... thank you for having been honest with me, Min. I'm hurt but it'll pass."

"I'll wait for you" Minho said eagerly:
"When you come back we'll face this togheter, I won't leave you alone to deal with your family"

"And I won't leave you alone to deal with yours"

"I'm glad we're still on the same side" Minho hummed after a few seconds of silence.

"Of course we are!" she said, a bit stern:
"We always have and we always will be! I just need to get over your ass and fall for a hot girl first, though"

Minho heared that genuine cheer in her voice start to come back and thought of how much he had missed it. He finally felt hopeful again.

"Go for it, Yoon. I believe in you"

"See you soon then, Min"

"See you soon"

And with that, it was done.


just went out for a walk and god am I happy...
It's just that... nature is so fucking pretty and this is why I study Natural Sciences. Feeling a lot more pumped about taking my next few exams^^

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