Minho woke up with a groan and mistakingly pushed his phone off the make-shift bed table instead of turning off his allarm.
He blinked slowly then finally decided to get up.
He immediately called Yoona and put her on speaker as he cooked breakfast for himself.
"So...how was your first daaay?" asked Yoona, yawning.
"It went surprisingly well?? The students seem pretty bright this time and my assistant is very competent"
He had already checked his subject's portion of the website and seen that Jisung had posted the presentation on time.
"Wooo!" exclaimed Yoona:
"Do you think you'll get along with him?""Yeah... He's funny" Minho mused.
"Funny?? God, I'm jealous. My coworkers are as boring as british breakfast tea"
Minho stared into space and grinned:
"He's more like a cup of marocchino"
"A cup of what??"
"That type of coffee with like cocoa in it, don't you remember? We got it when we visited Italy"
"Oh my god riiight! Such good times... What am I then?" she teased.
"Like a matcha tea with lytchee boba bubbles in it" Minho answered.
She laughed, pleased:
"I better go, my dear Earl Grey tea boyfriend""Soon to be husband" corrected Minho.
"Right, right. Let's catch up tomorrow morning, allright? Love you, Min!"
"Love you too, Yoon" he mumbled, clicking the red button on his phone.
He sighed. Being apart from her was so hard.
When he got to the teacher's desk, Jisung was already sitting there, waiting for him. This time he seemed to have slightly given up on dressing "appropriate" and his personal style was shining through even more. His dress shirt fell over a pair of too-big jeans and his tie was badly arranged, hanging low on his neck. He looked... free spirited. Minho decided on that adjective.
"Planning on distracting my students, I see" he teased as a greeting.
Jisung's head snapped up and a small smile decorated his lips:
"Oh, goodmorning Mr Lee! What was that?""Nothing, nothing..."
Minho sat beside him and they started discussing the first laboratory which was going to take place in roughly a month.
"This is the first time a lab happened so early, that I know of" Jisung commented, arching his brows.
He looked cute, confused like that.
"It actually is. I personally pushed for it to start earlier. I like my students to partecipate first hand in constructing their maps rather than explaining it in a frontal lesson" Minho unraveled.
"That's amazing..." it slipped off of Jisung's lips. Then the assistant stole a guilty glance at Minho's face, as if he had said something wrong.
Minho just felt incredibly flattered.
"I try" he said simply.
The lesson went well, obviously. The beginning of the physical geography course was always interesting, he thought. Explaining how much astronomical factors actually influenced the way the planet worked was just fascinating and Minho loved catching the surprised expressions on his students as he swiftly moved from one explaination to the other.
After an hour of that however, his students started exhibiting signs of exhaustion so he annouced:
"Since mister Matt is falling asleep on us, I think taking a break would be most needed. Ten minutes of freedom, get a coffee and come back quick. We have a lot to talk about"
The students sighed, thankful and Minho dropped on his chair next to Jisung, swinging a glup of water in to calm his own burning throat.
"This part of the class is so cool when you're the one teaching it" the assistant said out of nowhere.
Minho almost choked on his water.
"Is... is it?" he asked with a little cough.
"Yeah... when I took this course we had an old ass professor who read off the book for an hour then sent us home early each time" Jisung scoffed:
"One time he even fell asleep on his computer during a break and a friend of mine had to go wake him up"Minho laughed:
"Was it professor Park?"Jisung's eyes lit up:
"Yes! How'd you know!?""He was my professor, too. I swear!" he added when he saw Jisung's surprised expression:
"I'm really not that much older than you, Jisung"At that, his assistant got weirdly silent.
"What? Have I misinterpreted his age? He must be like... 24 right? Minimum 23?"
Minho thought.
"Then where'd you get the passion to pursue teaching?" asked Jisung that second:
"Because surely Mr Park couldn't have inspired you that much"They both grinned.
"No way!" Minho stated:
"It was all me... Ever since I was a kid, nature's mysterious balance had always pulled me in... The way our planet is able to function perfectly to house life and how coincidental it all really was... Makes me believe that anything is possible..."Minho caught Jisung's eyes and realised he had probably said too much. He coughed, embarassed:
"Anyway... I better collect my students..."

Window to freedom °•Minsung•°
FanfictionWhere Jisung becomes a strict professor's assistant ("Good Luck, Babe!" type beat)