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One morning a while later, Minho woke up with a smile on his lips.

He got up and spent an unreasonable amount of time picking clothes, then started on breakfast.

As he did that, he dialed Yoona's number.

"Goodmorning..." yawned his fiancee on the other side.

" 'Morning sweetie!" Minho answered cheerfully.

"Look at you, so happy" she cooed:
"This job is really working for you huh?"

Minho chuckled:
"Really is... I'm even getting attached to some of the students, can you believe it?"

Yoona gasped:
"No way! Cold professor Minho opens his heart? Unheared of!"

Minho laughed at her sarcasm:
"What about you? How are things back home?"

"Oh, sweetie... I don't want to ruin your mood right now but... not so well"

Minho stopped stirring his eggs for a second and blinked.

"What's going on?" he asked carefully, a sinking feeling settling in his stomach.

"Well... you know how we had chosen that one specific church to get married in?"


"They're going to close it for a few months to restore a fresco" Yoona admitted in a breath.


He had expected so much worse.

"I'm so sorry sweetie... I know it meant a lot to you... if you're still set on that we can...well...postpone I guess..."

from her tone of voice it was evident that she hoped that wouldn't be the case.

"Postpone the wedding..."

"Yes. Yes, do it. Do it now." some part of him hissed.

"What?? Just for a stupid location?? Come on, I get it was important for your childhood and everything but are you really gonna make your lady wait because of that?"
another lamented.

And that made sense. Infact the most normal, easiest response to this would be to say:

"It's allright sweetie, it doesn't matter. There are other churches. I don't want to postpone"

There! Minho just had to say it.


Some part of Minho had leapt with joy when Yoona had said the word "postpone". A dirty feeling of hope had risen in him.

Hope for what??

"What's wrong Minho?? Don't you want to marry her??" hissed that evil voice in the back of his brain.

He scrambled for excuses.


"...I had promised mum I'd get married there..."

"I know..." sighed Yoona.

"She's old and sick and it would really mean a lot to her to see me marry someone in the church where she took me as a kid..."

"I know, I know..."

Minho's stomach lurched hearing how deeply sad she sounded.

"I'm sorry" he uttered, guilt destroying his insides.

"It's ok" Yoon's voice got soft:
"Anything for you, Min. Besides, I want it to be special too"

Minho thought he was going to faint any second. He didn't know what to say.

"I should probably go" mumbled the girl then:
"Hear from you tomorrow"

"Mh yeah"

The call ended and he sat down at the table, forgetting all about breakfast.

"I'm a terrible person, aren't I?" he thought.

Then had to scramble awake from that trance because his eggs were burning.


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