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"And they're having this party where everyone is invited, even the professors! How crazy is that? We have none of that back home..." was narrating Minho, sprawled on the bed.

"That sounds great Minmin..." Yoona hummed.

However, there was a hint of sadness in her voice. Minho's heart ached deeply when he noticed and instantly he asked:

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"Ahhh it's nothing" she said, regaining her usual cheerful tone. It did feel a bit strained thought.

"No, really" Minho insisted:
"Is there something wrong?"

Yoona sighed into the phone:
"I can't keep anything from you...can I?"

Minho conceded a small laugh but he stayed worried:
"Nope. So what is it?"

"I dunno..." she started, voice shaky:
"It's just that your life seems so nice over there and I'm starting to wonder if... well... if you like it better. Over me. Over our life here...togheter"

Minho snapped up at that:

"Oh I'm just being silly... don't listen to me, Min" she chuckled weakly.

Minho couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did Yoona really think he'd leave her behind that easily? Just for a good job and a better environment? Did she really think he cared so little??

"Yoon you mean the world to me, you hear me? I would never, never leave you behind like that. I miss you everyday, really... our jokes, our banter, how simple it is to be myself around you... you shaped my life into something worth living! I mean that's why I'm marrying you, sweetheart! You're my literal soulmate!" he exclaimed, half hurt half worried.

"You're right..." Yoon managed to say then she started sobbing:

"I'm sorry for doubting you, Min... I never should've questioned things..."

she stopped a second to blow her nose. As the sobs escaped her lips Minho's heart shook with pain: he wanted to be there for her, hug her, help her calm down... but they were miles and miles apart and there was nothing to be done. Apart from talking.

"Shhhh" he hummed:
"It's ok, Yoon. I know it's just because I'm far away and it's hard"

"B-but I doubted" she whined:
"How could I doubt the man I'm supposed to marry..."

Minho trembled. He could feel tears start to form in his own eyes.

"It's ok" he repeated:
"I forgive you"

Yoona sobbed even harder.

They stayed like that for a bit, Min whispering sweet words and Yoona trying to calm down. When the time came to finally close the call, Minho felt exhausted.

"I'm so sorry for this, Min" she repeated for the millionth time.

"All good, all good"

"I love you" the three words escaped her mouth in a simple manner, shy yet teasing voice... just so Yoona.

Minho smiled and parted his lips, ready to say it back. But something... something slipped into his heart like a premonition and he suddenly felt cold chills run down his back.
He licked his lips and tried again.

"I love you" his thoughts produced.

And again. That sensation. That slither of cold in the back of his mind.

"Min?" Yoona questioned:
"You still there?"

Minho's heart started drumming in his chest. He just... he just couldn't...

"Yoon?" he muttered instead.

"Can you hear me?" she asked back, worried.

"Ok, ok I can hear you now"

"Oh, thank god!" she laughed.

Minho didn't have the heart to try and laugh too.

"See you tomorrow, then!" she said cheerfully:
"Can't wait to hear about that party"

"Mhm. Yeah...Uhm, I better go Yoon, I'm actually quite late"

"Oh! Shit. Hurry along then, come on!"



Minho placed the phone on his bed table and hid his face into his palms.

"What the fuck was that."

Thank god for that party: he really needed some alcohol.


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