Chapter 2 - I Can Change Your Life

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I'm standing in the middle of the hallway with other contestants, the longer it takes, the more I think my chances are null. It's not possible they'd choose me, when it's just obvious that absolutely everyone here is more cabaple. Not like you'd need any special skills for making coffee, but still...

I'm starting quite a bit of sweat, not sure if it's because of the number of people and the only hotter and hotter air in here or because of my nervosity. Probably both.

The crowd's getting bigger even though people are leaving the office quite fast. I have to admit, that when one boy was crying while leaving I really wanted to run away too. But you won't give anything for this...

During the elapsed time I realised lot of things. First, during the interview you speak directly with the boss of the company. Second, men are there considerably longer than women. Third, working for this man will not be easy at all, but the salary is fabulous.

I was also told that none of his assistants have lasted longer than two weeks.

It felt like infinity until it finally came to be my turn. I was plucked from thinking and playing with my fingers nervously by a high female voice:

„Mr. Tomlinson?" she asks and looks around. When I nod in confirmation it is me, she opens the door widely.

The moment I went in my breath stops. A tall person with dark curly hair - altough he is only showing me his back, I know him. I would recognize him anywhere, it's because I see him every day, in my dreams..

„Sit down," he says, the same hoarse voice. Electricity drives through me giving me goose bumps.

With legs shaking, I reach a leather chair and sat. He finally turns on me. My heart misses few beats when I look in his eyes, in these dark green eyes and see his facial features, so beautiful, I dream of them.

Fitted suit emphasizes the perfect figure. It is him. The one to whom I through dreams created some sort of indescribable relationship. It is him... „So tell me Sir.." he leaves his sentence unfinished.

„Tomlinson," I say quickly when realise I was supposed to finish it instead of staring at him like an idiot.

„Ok, so tell me, Mr. Termlinson."

„I'm Tomlin-"

„Do not interrupt me." He says very sternly. His voice drills to me like a metal dagger.

„Mr. Termlinson, why should I employ you?" He gazes at me intently, his cross pendant hanging on a silver chainlet. „Just please don't say that you need money, job, or that you are very responsible, discrete and so on. I've heard this already thousand times today and honestly, it's exhausting me." He adds annoyed.

I get even more nervous, that was exactly my plan what to tell him; and excitedly recount how I dream about him every night probably wouldn't be the best way to get a job.

„Well? I'm waiting." He says after a while of total silence, when no words are coming in reply. I'm trying to look anywhere but him, feeling his glance on me.

„I think, that you should accept me, because I am just perfect for this job."

„Out." He sounds annoyed and a little dissapointed.

„N-no wait," He's still paying attention... „You have to give me this job, because none of those losers in the hallway can do what I can." He squints and supports his head with hand. „Go on." Altough it's all buzzing inside of me, I have no clue how to go on.

„If you accept anyone else than me, it'll be the worst decision of your life, because I would change it beyond recognition." The man straightens in his chair. I'm afraid that I went too far. Resolving to look into his eyes again, I find them to be still the same dark. Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

Physically, he is completely indentical to the man from my dreams, but their personalities couldn't be more different.

This one has no infinite smile on his face at all, I seriously doubt he has ever smiled. The look of his eyes is murderous. He surely has the coldest heart.

At this moment, there is nothing I yearn for more than changing him.

„You are accepted." He awares me with a poker face, turning back to the window, giving clear it's time for me to leave. „Be here tomorrow at 7:00. Not a second later."

Altough I don't make it too obvious (or at least I try), inside of me there are fireworks exploding; his simple words disarmed me absolutely. My mouth is undoubtedly wide open and I look totally shocked.

„Thank you so much."

„Not sure if you should be grateful." He smiles ironically.

I leave the office and turn to look at the label: Harry Styles.


Next chapter soon :)

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