Chapter 14 - He Is Mine

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„Harry, what exactly is your point?" I shake my head exasperated, sitting down on the leather couch in my house, gripping a glass filled with red fluid. „Do you really think, that if you keep being like this, he'll still be eating of your hand?"

„He already is. I have him exactly where I want him to." He speaks calmly, sitting opposite me with a glass of wine as well.

„I wish I had your confidence." I laugh unhappily and sip. „You know, I wouldn't be so sure, because didn't you say that he's spending tonight with you... and look where you are... Not with him, obviously." He glares at me murdereously, like it was working on me. When he sees still the same sceptical grin on my face, his purses his lips into one thin line and takes a big sip to furthen the answer. „Come on, Harold, what, or more like, who, did ruin your plans?" I aks him amused.

„Niall." He whispers almost inaudibly, snorting in annoyance.

„Who? Who exactly does Louis preffer over the one and only mister Styles? I couldn't hear you Harry." I tease him, trying to hold back laughter.

„That your fucked up fucking assistant Horan!" he spats angrily, making me burst out laghing. „I don't like him."

„I do, just because he drives you mad." I grin amused, and receive not the nicest glance from obviously not so amused Harry. „Where did they go, anyway?"

„To some bar... sure as hell that he'll drag there also Malik and the other one stupid uncapable idiot, who can't do anything but fuck up with people." With every next word, the rage in his voice increases, remembering his former assistant.

„You mean Chris?" I rise my eyebrow while Harry nods gloomily, finishing his glass of wine. „Isn't it because you don't want Louis to know him?"
„No, it's not like that. I just, I just don't like... that..." He starts but I interrupt him.

„You don't like it, huh? That he's going out with friends, or that deep inside you know very well, that you don't have him wrapped around your finger that much..? Or no, I get it, you're afraid about what is Chris going to tell him about you, aren't you." I say with my point finger rised with concentration while Harry's being completely silent. „Right?" I say a little more loudly.

„Louis knows almost everything about me, definitely not less than Christian." He replies frowning a little, like he was thinking about something.

„Does he know, for example, that you kind of fancy boys?" Harry throws a very amused grin at me and starts laughing.

„Liam, undoubtfully, he does know." he stutters while grinning, not like it was any clearer to me now why is he laughing.

„How?" I asked confused and there appears a horrible satisfied grin on Harry's face. „Harold, is there something I should know?"

He doesn't reply, just filling his glass peacefully once again, waiting for me to realise.

„Did you sleep with him?!" I ask shocked with my eyes wide open, altough I know the answer already.

„Well that was a while." It's obvious how much is he enjoying that fact. Like he was really proud.

„Harold, you are not normal. Did you lose your mind completely, or what?! What happened to you?!" I shake my head in disbelief, standing up and walking over the whole room.

„Relax, you're exaggerating." He shrugs ice-calm. „It was just a sex, no emotions at all." Like it was the most common thing in the world, of course...

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