Chapter 9 - No Control 1/2

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„So tell me Louis, why did you want to work just for me?" The club trembles thanks to loud music but Harry's voice is strong enough. And hoarse...

„I dun'know. I just read this ad in the newspaper and tried it." I just shrug, my finger examining the shape of my glass filled with golden fluid which is gonna end up in my throat in no time.

„But I did not place any ad to any paper." He runs his hand through hair, confused.

„Hmm, I don't know, but I saw it in a newspaper, I know that for sure." I finally taste the hot drink and gesture the bartender, who is looking at me somehow suspiciously way too often, to pour me another.

„You shoudn't drink so much. People lose their control and scruples due to alcohol," he says and takes another shot.

„You are afraid I'm gonna lose my scruples?" I rise my eyebrow amused.

„No, I'm afraid I will carry you on my back to the hotel."

„Shoudn't I carry you more like?" I stare at the fluid fascinated.

„How I said, you are free tonight, so no."

They start playing my favourite song which is making me jump to my feet immediately. „Lets dance!" I encourage Harry, who is looking very sceptical tapping his forehead.

„See, here we go, you are losing your scruples already." The green eyes meet my blue and altough he is trying to look all scary and serious, I can spot the sparks of amusement. My alcohol-controlled mind makes me roll my eyes and just grab his hand, dragging him from his bar stool. My short fingers wrap his big palm trying to make him stand up.

„I don't dance." I threw my 'puppy-eyes look' on him. „Never," he shakes his head and I just deal with the fact. „And in addition, I am your superior," he says turning back to the counter.

„Not tonight, tonight I'm free, remember? Come on, one dance." I watch him take another shot.

„Just one dance, and nobody will ever find out, understand?" I jump up happily and wait for him to stand up. Maybe he was right and alcohol really did affect me.

I lead him to the center of the floor and start moving in the beat of music. Very soon, I understand, why does he never dance. I have never seen a worse dancer.

„Don't laugh at me." he says virgorously, but corners of his mouth are twitching, creating dimples in his cheeks. How it seems so far, I'm not the only one being affected by alcohol. „Like my assistant, you are supposed to teach me that."

Harry jumps a little when I place my palm on his hip and make it move. „Tomlinsone, can I ask you, what are you doing?" he frowns confused when I pull him closer to me so I can control his body easier. I am inhaling his incredible scent having this terrible urge to lean my head against his bare chest, how soft can his skin be? Thankfully, not even the alcohol makes me commit this suicide. „I'm teaching you how to dance." I shrug my shoulders and keep moving our bodies.



„Shhh," whispers Harry when we seak around the reception at two am trying not to laugh. Harry was right, alcohol made us to do things we would normally never do. For example, he started to be funny and friendly.

„Hey, where are you going?" he asks confused when I turn into another direction.

„Err, to my room?" for some reason I find it utterly funny.

„No, you are going to mine." Harry loses his balance and we both start laughing like idiots.

I turn back and together we start walking to his room. When I close the door, something pin me to the wooden desk. An electric shock runs through my whole body and everything stops. Styles' mouth clings to mine and he starts to suck my lower lip, making me open my mouth a little. But the kiss is unfinished and he pulls away.

„Shit, I knew I shouldn't drink." He shakes his head and drags me slowly to the bed, on which I lay quite willingly, letting him sit on me astride. He wasn't afraid I would lose control, but him.

His crotch brushes mine and in that moment our lips crush together again. A sound of boots falling to the ground echoes. My shoes follow very quickly equally with our clothes untill we are both just in our boxers.
My hands are running across his back, my nails digging into the soft skin leaving red furrows behind. „Tomlinson, don't be naughty, or I'll punish you." Hearing my name make me dig the nails even deeper. Harry shakes his head grasping my sides and turning me on the stomach.

I bury my face to a pillow and feel his tongue slide down my spine, enjoying his presence and the heat coming from him. Enjoying every touch. In the moment, I don't care where I am or who I am. What matters is him, driving me crazy. The velvet skin is brushing mine, his tongue making me shiver.
I lean back sharply, when his fingers pull my hair provocatively, feeling hot breath on my neck.

„Don't move," commands me whispery hoarse voice. He still doesn't relieve my hair. It might sound weird, but I like it, hell, I fucking like it.

„Yes, mister Styles." Harry's grip loosen for a moment but my head doesn't fall to the pillow, it stays leaned back delightfully. Suddenly my boxers are pulled down and I can feel his wet tongue between my... you know where.

Holy shit.

My fingers dig into the linen sharply and all my muscles tense. A loud moan escapes my lips when I can feel Harry's long fingers inside of me. „More." I whine.

„I didn't hear you." hoarse voice resounds.

„Please, more, mister Styles." I can feel more fingers moving in me, just in seconds being replaced with tongue, while Harry's hands are busy looking for something.

The room is filled with mine and Harry's loud moans.

He pulls my hair and at the same time thrusts harshly. With every other move is my hair being pulled more so my neck is completely available for him.
Pleasure and delight pervate my whole body. He controls me, I'm all his now.

„H-Harry." I moan his name and shrug the linen in my fingers.
„For... you... always... only... mister... Styles," he breaths out while other thrusts and moans are filling the room.

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