Chapter 3 - Coffee

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I falter nervously in front of the office. Shall I wait here or just knock and enter or knock and wait for reply?


I knock and wait. Nothing. I deside to enter and all I see is the back of leather armchair.

„You're on time." Is his voice surprised? 

„What are you waiting for? I was supposed to have my coffee on this desk half an hour ago." No, it's just affection. Before I can react anyhow he speaks again: „For the next time, when I say be here at seven, be here at half past six." He finally turns on me and I can barely stand because of his strict look and beautiful flawless face. I rather focus on his chest, I can see the cross pendant again.

„M-mr. Styles? Where is the coffee machine?" He looks like I said the worst thing ever and he also inhales air to tell me another kind words, but I stop him.

„I'll find it." He grins a bit satisfied and gestures me to go.

After a while I finally find the kitchen. Or something like that.

I scan the coffee machine realising I kind of can't control it at all. Sure Tomlinson, for making coffee there are no special skills neccesary.

Eventually I strech to the upper shelf for coffee. Another problem. I can't reach it. I felt like a ballerina and also like an idiot while climbing all over the kitchen line. I nearly felt down but got it.

I put the coffee into somewhere I thought it might be the right place and for the next few seconds was thinking what should I do next. I feel like an idiot when I find the start button.

I press it but nothing happens. I try it again and again, but still nothing. I lost control for a while and punched the machine, which was the worst mistake, because I immediately got splashed by water and when I was trying to stop it, the whole machine ended up on the ground.

Someone behind me bursts into loud laugh. I turn sharply. Some blond lad is sitting on a chair, I was clueless about his presence, and he's laughing so bad that he almost falls down. „You have to pluge it in."


He stops laughing for a second but then again, looking at me being completely wet he bursts again.

„You couldn't tell me sooner, could you?" I say grumpily and pick up the machine, hoping that it survived.

„It was quite interesting watching you, ya know..." I bend down to wipe out the spilled water, then threw it to the sink a take off my soggy blazer.

Interesting will be explaining this to Styles." Pissed I finally plug it, praying it will work this time.

„Wait, you do work for Styles?" his own coffee almost flows out of his mouth.


„Are you a madman or a self-slaughterer?" he asks like I actually was a madman.

„Why?" I smile triumphantly when finally holding the coffee.

„Why? Did you check anything about him beafore you went to the audition?"

„No, should I?" I reply suddenly feeling unsecure and put the coffee on a tray together with a cream ang sugar.

I went back to my chef followed by ironical: „Good luck."

I open the door after few circumspect knocks. He is phoning to someone and gesture indicates to me to leave it all on his desk.

„Yes, I see, when is it?" Styles takes his iPad, squeezes the mobile between his cheek and shoulder and starts to tap something on the bigger screen. „And for how long...? I get it... Yes... Fine, I have it... Sure... Goodbye." Frowning a bit he hangs up and keeps devoting himself away to the tablet.

„Can I ask you, why did it take so long to make one coffee?" He drinks and thankfully, he's not protesting against it.

„I had some struggle with the coffee machine."

„It will not repeat, Mr. Termlinson. Can I call you your name right?" His eyes are still the same dark and I'm thinking about my today's dream with him, unless I realise he's expecting a response.

„Of course, my name is Louis." I come closer to him and offer my hand. Not just he doesn't accept it, he's staring at me like „You can't be serious." I immediately shove my hand back and massage it. „Yes, you can call me Louis." He's scanning me through for a while, my eyes gradually soak in his. „Mr. Styles." I add, to highlight who's the superior and who's the inferior here.

„You are flying with me to Paris in two weeks exactly, for five days." My eyes get bigger, I have always dreamed about going to Paris. The fact I'm going with Styles must be my fate or a really stupid coincidence.

„Yes, I will fly." Laughter resounds in the office.

„It wasn't a question, Louis." I get goose bumps from how he pronounced my name in the end. After a while of ironical laughing, his face is hard again not saying anything.

Blue irisis collide strictly green ones. A glance that literally hypnotizes me and for a milisecond, I feel like this was ma dream and he was that happy and smily Harry.

In the next moment I'm brought back on the ground: „Can you explain me, why do you have your shirt wet?" he rises his eyebrow and I try hard to focus on my words, not him.

„I-I accidentaly spoiled water on myself..." His face remains poker-like.

„I've got a question for you. Will you be able to provide me the full servis in Paris, when you can't even make a bloody coffee?! What the fuck was I thinking when accepting such an uncapable idiot?! I need someone on whom I can rely on for hundred and fifty percent and not someone like you!"

His eyes are flunging lightening and I feel how I'm starting to blush ashamed, trying not to betray myself and start crying. Am I really this stupid, that he shouts at me already for the first day? Maybe it wouldn't touch me this much if I wasn't promising something else from him.

„For tonight I want a reservation for two, to R&R, at 18:00." Like a click one's fingers his tone changes from very angry to way too much calm, ice-calm, but it doesn't calm me.

„To Royal Restaurant? But there you must be ordered at least a month before." I reply quietly with my voice shaking, instead of responding he stabs me through with emerald eyes.

„I know. But if you still want this job, you will get that reservation for me." He gives me one last look before turning to the large glass wall viewing the city.

„Your office is next to the kitchen, if I need something, I'll call you. You rather accept it. Now you are free to go." Hoarse voice finishes and I leave the room sadly, thinking about what makes me to don't fire myself. The answer is obvious. Him.

I said I will change his life but for now, it is him, transforming mine.


Next chapters are better I swear :D 

Anyway I'd love to have some comments here so what are you waiting for? Give me your opinion :D


Translator: @ArielleObrien

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