Chapter 11 - Yes Mr. Styles

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„Come with me, Tomlinson." His green eyes darken even more, brown locks reflecting the lights of Paris under us. He doesn't wait for me and walks straight up the stairs. Usually, I would be curious why don't we take the elevator, but right now, my head is such a chaos, that I'm unable to think about anything.

Hesitantly, I started after him. His tall figure is just metres apart, and still, catching up with him is the last thing I want to do. Or maybe, it's about courage. Why am I afraid of him? I didn't do anything wrong.

We walk down half of the stairs in silence, untill he stops in front of a restaurant in the middle of Eiffel's tower.

I feel very strange when he holds the door for me. It certainly doesn't fit him and the fact, that he's like he was mute the whole time, literally terrifies me.

Suddenly, a relevant question appears in my mind. What was he even doing there? „Have you followed me?" Harry's body stops. Instead of an answer he sits behind a table. Why is he so quiet?

I sit opposite him and this time – the first and probably also the last time - it's me looking for an eye contact and him, avoiding it. Something's wrong. Very wrong.

His green eyes, darker than the skies outside, finally lean on me. „Do you know, that kissing strangers is impolite..." finally speaks the hoarse voice.

„And do you know, that tracking people isn't the nicest either?" tonight, I can dare to say this much, I don't know why, but my senses are telling me so. „By the way, she asked me so."

„And you liked it?" He rises one eyebrow and finally loosens his tensed muscles, at least he is not that scary anymore.

„That's none of your bussiness." I snap sharply, paying all my attention to the waiter, giving my order.

„And you would like?" the young boy with a strong accent focuses on Harry.

„The same as he." Harry answers without even looking at him and instead starts to massage his temples closing both of his eyes.

„Are you okay?" I place my palm on his forearm carefully. He nods his head, but the fact, that he didn't shake my hand off or said nothing sarcastic tells me otherwise. „Are you truly okay?"

He finally rises his head, green orbes stubing me through. The facial muscles tighten and his jaw clenches, he is scary. Very scary.

My whole body shivers when his hand wraps around my wrist. „I'm fantastic!" he says angrilly with voice full of irony. I know why is he mad, but why the hell did he drag me in here?

My hand is still in his tight grip and I can't stop staring into his eyes. Neither one of us looks away. At least not today I want to admit, what I'm thinking about since last night, that I am his, I belong to him and he can do whatever he wants with me. Not today. Today I'm not gonna obey him as much as I want to.

It's just a look, but still, I can feel how much it affects him, driving him insane. His breath fastens face reddens. Strong hand starts to force mine against the table desk, pushing me so intensively that it hurts. Eventually, I can't endure it anymore and whine painfully, glancing down untill Harry releaves me.

Triumphal look is playing on Harry's face. I knew it was about more than just a stupid look, he wanted to punish me for kissing that girl. He can't stand it doesn't have to be just him, making my body shiver. He needs to feel he can control everything and everyone. The worst part is that I am letting him and even supporting him in that.


The whole time during dinner, neither one of us did say a word. It wasn't an awkward silence, oh no, we both had so much on our minds, but we didn't want to say it loud.

I'm sitting in a taxi, half a meter apart from him, resting my elbow against the car window, staring at the night Paris full of loving couples. It could've been a nice evening, but he, of course, made it as unpleasant as possible. Altough each part of my body was screaming happily in his presence, I, or my brain, didn't let me enjoy it.

„We're leaving tomorrow afternoon, but in the forenoon I have important meeting and I need you there." The hoarse voice interupts peaceful silence in the taxi and I just nod, hoping that he can see it so I don't have to answer loud. „Did you hear me?" obviously not.

„Yes, Mr. Styles." I answer automatically, not even realising that I could just tell him simple 'I did', but instead, I called him 'Mister Styles'. I (involluntary) remember yesterday's night, when we were breathing out one anothers names and he was leading me to the top with his harsh thrusts.

Just the memory makes my pants suddenly tighter. Shit. I dare to look at him and nothing else but a triumphant look shines of off his face. He knows very well. Ashamed, I glance down staring at the tops of my shoes.

„It's incredible, that I don't even have to touch you and you still get hard because of me." His whisper extremely close to my ear makes me jump in surprise. At the moment he says those words, my brain stops working and the only thing I'm able to focus on is him. His hand placed on my knee gives me goose bumps, then starts approaching to my crotch leaving nothing but heat behind. The pace of my blood rushing in my veins fastens undescribably. These long fingers suddenly stop moving, just when they almost reached their target and instead start on my other knee.

Gentle and at the same time very vigorous, he knows perfectly what is he doing. A weak moan escapes my lips and I'm thanking to god for the glass, separating us from the driver. His long strong fingers grip my crotch and I lean backwards in pleasure. „Would you like to belong to me just like you did last night?" he whispers seductively into my ear.

„Yes, mister Styles." I answer shakily, still struggeling to calm my breath.

„Well you can maybe so dream about that." Vile laugh fills the car, his hand being stucked back. I have to bit my lip harshly, so I can bite over his horrible words. ‚You can maybe so dream about that.' I will, Styles, oh I will. Unfortunantely... or fortunantely?

His words still hurt me badly, because even though it only lasted few seconds, partly, he just filled my naive thoughts, that I mightmean something to him.

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