Chapter - 6

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"Alright. Let's get started now." Eun-woo says, as he emerges into the room.

I sit on one of the benches and all of them start writing somethings on the board. The class goes on, and all of them speak a little about the different things about being a reaper.

Sung-Jae is the one who talks the most, so I assume that he is the seniormost here. Eun-woo seems to know a lot too, considering he's only been a reaper for a year. And Yoona.... she isn't much of a help, to be honest. But she's kind..and pretty.

There were some very important things that I noted down in a writing pad.

1. The frequency of getting new cases (about dead people, ofc) depends on how well you finished the last one.

2. You can't take revenge for ghosts. However, is they perform a very special...'ritual', it's possible.

3. You have to erase the person's memories from his last life (with a candy) so that he can go to heaven or hell without being in pain about their loved ones or anything else.

4. The amount of money you get for a case depends on what sort of person the ghost was.( You get more money for a good soul )

"Those are all the important points. However, you will only become a good reaper after practicing some cases." Eun-woo says, after their half-an-hour long lecture.

"Aww. You made notes!! I'm telling you. This girl is gonna become a nice reaper~~" Yoona says, looking at me, admiringly.

"Well. I thought I'd better note some things so I can remember it." I reply, feeling a tinge of regret cause I thought Yoona was going to be a ..... mean sort of person to me. But I kinda like her, to be honest.

"Alright then. Let's get her first case." Sung-Jae says.

"Wait. Already?" I say. I'm not ready for a whole case!!! I'm mean, how do they expect me to be?

"Don't worry. It's only for practice. We'll take care of it even if you mess up." Enu-woo reassures me.

"Oh. Alright then." I say. We leave the room and go to the "Office" again. Reaper's Department. It's very busy in here. So many people...

We walk towards a desk. Eun-woo mutters something to the lady at the desk. She nods and checks something on her computer. Then, she prints out something and hands it over to him.

"This is your first real case." He says, handing over the paper to me.

I read it aloud.

"Choi Jong-so, age 10. Cause of death : Accident."
I say, gasping.

Yoona makes a sad face. Sung-Jae and Eun-woo look at each other.

"Well...It's not like we can do anything about it, you know? Let's get him where he needs to be." Eun-woo says, smiling a little.

I try to smile too. All of us get out of the "Office" and out of the whole building itself.

We get into Eun-woo's car and move to the site of accident (it was also given in the paper)..

As soon as we get there, I recognize him as the same boy in the photo in his death announcement letter.

He looks lost. He looks scared. He looks like he's about to cry.

"We'll let you deal with it." Sung-Jae says. Eun-woo nods encouragingly and the two step behind a little.

"All the bestt!! You can do it!" Yoona says, and stands near them.

I nod and get near the boy. At first he tries to run away, but then I take the candy (which erases the ghost's memories) out of my pocket and show it to him. He looks interested. He comes near me and asks, " Who are you, miss?"

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