Chapter - 10

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I walk out of his room quietly and then rush into mine. I close the door and lock it. Then I sit on my bed and start recalling the conversation we just had.

Okay. First of all, Eun-woo knows Joon. They were friends in high school last year. Best friends, to be precise- him, Joon, and Moon-bin. Then, they became Airs. Wow. For three best friends to become airs..... and that too at the same time! But Moon-bin's deathline was shorter than them. They must have worked hard to find his fated match, and they would've been glad to find that his match was in their department only, and she seemed to like him already.

But. Joon liked her too. So...... according to Eun-woo, he asked the gods to make her an angel that she won't go to hell, even after being separated from her fated match. And she was promoted to an angel too. And Moon-bin. He went to hell.

This is traumatizing.

Well. I'm still not sure about something though. I think... I myself am going to be the judge whether Joon is guilty or not.

Poor Eun-woo....he must have suffered so much.

Eun-woo..... I think, there is a feeling towards him in my heart. But I'm not going to put a name on it just yet.

Anyways, back to the present. He called me 'adorable'. I blush at the thought. Jeez. I think..... that feeling can be.....

My thoughts come to a stop after I hear soft knocking on my door. Eun-woo says," Moon-Young. Are you asleep?"

I jump out of my bed and during the process, fall on my face which results in a loud bang.

"Moon-Young!! What the heck are you doing???" Eun-woo shouts, more concerned than ever.

"Oh. I'm okay, I'm okay." I say, laughing as I open the door.

He rushes in, checking if I got any injuries.

"I'm okay, really." I say, looking away.

"Can't you be more careful, Moony?" He says, ruffling my hair.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?"


"You little"

"Come on, now. It that a way to call your teacher? Anyways, I came here to tell you something important. Look, whatever happened, it already has and there's nothing we can do about it. So don't stress yourself thinking about how much I have suffered. Alright?" He says, calmly.

But that's exactly what I was doing.

"Of course I won't, Mr. Lee." I say.

"Okay, then. Good night." He says and gets out of the room.

He is very caring, that's for sure.

I go to sleep, dreaming again. It's Eunwoo.... he's, bound by black chains in a dark, deep place. He's suffering.

"Save me. Please."

I wake up, startled. Rushing out of my bed, I open the door and see Eun-woo, cooking breakfast.

"You're up early? Wow. Miracle." He says smiling, not taking his eyes off the omelet he's cooking.

"Eun-woo. I had a weird dream." I say.

"What sort?" He says, smirking in a very..... double-meaning way.

"IT WASNT LIKE THAT YOU BRAT!" I shout in self-defense.

"Alright, alright. Get ready now."

"Yeah....." I say and do the same.

Half-an-hour later, we leave the apartment.

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