Chapter - 11

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I wake up to Eun-woo's voice ringing in my ears.

"I told you all! You should have just listened to me! Look. Now she's in trouble! What if something happens to her? Huh? Its all my fault. First Moon-bin, then her. I cant do anything right!"

"Eun-woo. What's going on?" I ask, sitting upright.

We are in a room. I think its my room. Oh yes! It IS my room. Wait. What happened?

"Moon-Young! You're okay?" Eun-woo says, as he comes near me.

"I am fine. Why am I here? What happened?"

"Well....." Yoona says and then stops.

"You got into trouble with that ghost, right? And right at that moment, Eun-woo.... just... sort of sensed it and we came straight to your rescue. We were able to save you but the ghost got away while we were at it." Sung-jae explains.

"Oh... ummm... thank you. And, sorry." I say, looking at Eun-woo.

"Moon-Young. Lets work on this case together from now on, ok?"


"Alright! Lets check all the facts we know yet." Yoona says, enthusiasticly.

"Yes. Miss Moon-Young, what characteristics did you notice about the ghost? Like, his personality, etc." Sung-jae asks.

"Hmm.... Well. I dont know much, but he seemed to have a high ego. And.... absolutely no regret about his murder, you know? He was scary." I say, as the hair on my neck rise up.

Eun-woo puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Hmm.... Lets see all the possible locations he can be in right now. Its not been much time. He cant have gotten too far." Eun-woo says.

"Exactly. I think... he might be somewhere around the city park area." Yoona speaks up.

"I remember! Doesn't he own a property in that area? He might be hiding there!" I say, so sure of myself.

"But thats way too obvious. He will expect us to go there. He must be somewhere less populated. Like the Sasang-gu street." Eun-woo says.

"Lets check the whole area then!" Yoona exclaims. She is so easily overwhelmed.

We get out of the apartment and drive to the area. It isnt that popular, I guess. Cause theres literally so less traffic here. He actually might be in one of these buildings.

"Okay. I think I and MoonYoung should check his property and surrounding area and you guys can check Sasang-gu." Yoona speaks.

"No. No way. I'm going with her. You and Sung-jae check Sasang-gu." Eun-woo says, like an overprotective dad.

"Oooh... okiee~" Yoona giggles. Sung-jae passes me a smile.

Both of our groups divide to check the areas. We walk into the building which Jin-young owns. Its huge. He was a wealthy businessman, eh? This building reeks of corruption and fraud, to be honest.

We continue further and check the different rooms and halls. Of course, we can become invisible by will, so theres not a problem that someone is gonna see us.

After an hour, we decide that he really isnt here.

"Lets check this school now." I say, pointing to the school right in front of the building.

"Hmm.. if you say so."

We walk into the school. Small children are playing, studying. Its such a cute environment. I really hope that Jin-young isnt here.

But I think he IS here.

We reach the rooftop. The winds are blowing pretty fastly.

"I dont think he is here either." Eun-woo says, clearly disappointed.

"Wait. Look! Theres a sort of storage room here. Lets check that too." I say.

I have a similar feeling like I did this morning that the one I'm looking for...

Is right behind this door.

I open it, quietly.

And he is here. Standing in the corner of the small room, clutching a picture of a small child......

His child?

He looks miserable. I cant....

We both walk up to him, slowly and cautiously. Eun-woo is totally focused on moving as gradually as he can.

He says, "Look. Its okay. Even if you did a mistake, its okay. You should suffer your punishment and get it over with. If you dont, your child will have to suffer too. And you dont want that, I'm sure. So please. Come willingly."

We are not going to give him the candy we gave the small child. This is because he is not going to be allowed to erase his memories. He will have to suffer his punishment. Instead he has to be given this fruit, which will send him to hell. Of course, we are not going to tell him that.

"You blundering idiots. Just what do you take me for? I understand your tricks well. I am not coming with you. YOU ************* IDIOTS!" He shouts.

The next few minutes are a total mess.

He takes that picture and tries to smash it into Eun-woo's face, but instead falls down on the floor in the process. Eun-woo tries to grab him from behind but he get up and starts to grab HIS neck instead. I have to do something.

I take the fruit and try to shove it down his throat but he spits it out towards Eun-woo's feet. Now, Jin-young is trying to choke me to death. Oh my GOD! Just how many times am I going to be tried to be choked to death today!? However, in a sudden flash, Eun-woo picks up the fruit from the floor with his feet, as if a footballer is picking up the ball to score a free kick. The fruit goes flying into the air as he kicks it and at the same moment I stomp into Jin-young's feet which make him howl in pain. He opens his mouth wide to shout and -

GOALLLLL! WHAT THE HELL. The fruit goes straight into his neck. He chokes on it a little and then disappears into red flames. I believe his last words were something.... abusive.

"Okay. That was INSANE!" I shout and hug Eun-woo.

We both celebrate for a while but then come back to our senses and get away from each other.

As we get out of the storage, a person in a black suit, comes up to us and hands us a letter.

Eun-woo looks a bit confused. But, he opens it and reads it aloud.

"Kim MoonYoung. 15. Cause of penalty: Taking help from her in-charge when she was supposed to handle the case herself. The Reaper must present themselves in the Heavenly Court before 24 hours or else will be detained."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"You have to pay a fine." Eun-woo says, looking at me.

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