Chapter - 7

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"MoonYoung. I've decided to give you another punishment." Eun-woo says, looking at me.

"What? But, you didn't let me shop with your card! Isn't that a good punishment already? Aren't you satisfied?" I ask.

"No." he says and leans closer.

"Umm.....what are you doing?" I ask, blushing furiously.

But he keeps getting closer.

I close my eyes.

"MoonYoung-ah!! I think you have already forgotten about the house rules! You have to wake up early to get to office in my car, remember? Now get the hell up!!" I hear Eun-woo's voice ringing in my ears from outside the room.

Okay. Great. That was just a dream.

"Yeah....yeah. I'm up. Don't shout like Lee." I reply back.

I get up and make my bed, all the while thinking about my dream. Jeez. How come I had a dream like that?? Am I fantasizing over him now? What the hell?

I get ready and come out of my room for breakfast. Eun-woo and I start eating.

"Hey.... so, I wanted to ask you something." I tell him, avoiding eye contact.

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Weren't we supposed to play 'Uno' to decide who's gonna do the laundry?" I ask him.

"Oh.... the laundry! I totally forgot about that. Yeah, let's play a round after breakfast." he says... in a business-like tone for some reason.

Grim reapers are weird. Like, who the hell plays 'Uno' to decide who's gonna do the laundry? This guy is as weird as he is pretty.

Wait. Did I just call him pretty?

"Where did you get the idea of playing 'a round of Uno' for deciding laundry? I ask him, musingly.

"Well... I thought.... by doing this, we would look forward to doing something like laundry too. I guess I just.... wanted to have a little know? It's good now that I'm not lonely anyomore. So I just wanted to make the most of this time." He says, hesitating a little.

He's so adorable sometimes.

Anyways, we finish our lunch and he gets a pack of Uno cards.

"Alright. Let's do this. Don't cry after you lose, Moony." he says, grinning.

"We'll see about that, mr. Lee." I say.

We both start playing. At first, it seems like he is winning. He luck is wonderful. But I'm not gonna give up just like that.

"Take that! Ha! UNO!" I say, as I have only one card left.

He just smiles and continues playing.

And like that, after a few more minutes,

I win.

"Who's crying now, Mr. Lee?" I ask him.

"You cheated! This isn't fair. How can I lose?" he says, sadly.

Aww... seeing him sad makes me....not happy, but satisfied for some reason. That's what you get for calling me Moony. I want to gloat about my victory more, but I instead, I go up to him, and gently pat on his head.

" It's okay, Mr. Lee. You will learn the divine art of winning Uno one day. You played well." I say, patting him.

He looks up at me. I distance my hand from his head. Is he going to get angry now? Maybe I shouldn't have patted him. What if he makes me do the laundry now?

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