Chapter - 13

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I turn around to see none other than Kim Min-Joon himself.

"How are you here, Moonyoung!?" Joon asks me, clearly puzzled. Only angels and Gods can enter this place.

"Ummm..." I don't say anything. How am I supposed to tell him what just happened? I dont even know whether I can trust him yet.

"MoonYoung. Wait. You dont have to say anything. I think I know why you are hesitating. Eun-woo must have told you something about me, right?" He asks in such a gentle voice, I find the whole idea of him being the reason for his friend's suffering totally absurd.

And so, I tell him everything. From what Eun-woo thinks of him to what just happened in the Gods department, as we walk towards his Garden again. Even as I tell him about the horrible accusations Eun-woo has put on him, he never complains. He just listens. Everything. I find that very comforting, to be honest.

"Hmm.... I think this is the 'problem' the gods have been talking about these days." He says.

"What problem??" I ask.

"I dont really know. But the Gods have been discussing this for a few days now. About a certain 'problem'. I think it might be the irregularity in your fate. They have been criticizing Hyunseok for a while. Maybe he meddled with your fate?"

"Ah, man. Why would he? This is so complicated. I dont understand anything." I say, sighing.

We reach his Garden. Its as beautiful as the first time. Its like, I dont really care whether Joon is a good person or not. I just like him because he is the creator of something so beautiful. I really hope that when he said that he made this, he wasn't lying.

"So.... are you going to tell me about what happened to Moon-bin?" I ask after a while, as we were just walking in silence.

"Moonyoung. Oh, moonyoung. How do I even start?" He says in a musical tone.

And then, two crystal-like tears fall from his angelic face.

"Joon. It's okay. Tell me everything. I will listen until the end. Without judging you at all." I tell him, patting his head a little, just like I did when I wanted Eun-woo to tell me about his relation with Joon.

He smiles.... and then, holds my hand. I guess he needs strength right now. Recalling all those horrible memories.... or maybe... guilty memories?

"Haha. I just have to tell you everything now. But... please don't hate me too much after you know the truth." He says, wiping his tears.

I brace myself for whatever's about to come.

"Sunmi...... It is true that I liked her. A lot. And it is also true that I became extremely jealous and sad when I found out that she is Moon-bin's fate. However, I NEVER.....NEVER EVER thought of doing something like that. Something so horrible. I loved him. Far more and far more deeply than Sunmi. I have absolutely no idea how she became an angel suddenly and started liking me. Never, I rejected her atleast for a hundred times. I still liked her, but I only thought of Moon-bin. But he stopped talking to me. And Eun-woo too. I tried to convince Sunmi that Moon-bin is her fate, just like they did, maybe even more than that. But...... nothing would persuade her anymore. And so... seven months completed. He reached his deathline. And.... he was sent to... to..." He doesn't talk further and holds my other hand.

The silence continues for a while. I don't break it. I'm not good at consoling people at all.

"You must not believe me, right? I guess my explanation is not that easy to believe. It seems pretty clearly that I'm the one who did this to him, right? I d-didn't...." He says and starts sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh... Joon. I believe in you. I believe in you, okay? You're not a bad person. You're not a-a....." I say and hug him, crying hard.

After a few minutes, we both step back from each other a little. His face is shining with tears, just like mine, I'm sure.

I wipe my face and he does the same too. It's an awkward moment. An awkward silence.

"You said that I am not a bad person. But... I certainly am a bad friend, right? I couldn't save him. I should've tried harder."

"Joon. It's okay. You tried your best. Even after they mistook you for a foe. You still cared deeply about him. And you still do, right? So how are you a bad friend?" I tell him, smiling.

"I do. You know? All these flowers that I've planted here.... I planted each one of them when I missed him, when I thought of him. Every single flower here is a tribute to him, and the memories we shared."

I'm too stunned to speak. He continues.

"I tried to reach out to Eun-woo after it all happened. But.. he just... he was too sad to listen." He says, while sighing.

"Hmmm...." I murmur. He suffered so much too. All three of them suffered. It's just so sad.

"Ah... speak of the devil again! Its like deja-vu, isn't it? Last time too, he saw us talking like this here. Alright then, I'll take my leave. Thank you, Miss Moonyoung, for believing in me, and listening to me. I'm grateful to have met you. Truly. Farewell." He says, as we see the outline of Eun-woo approaching us from a distance, like last time.

"Bye then!" I say, shouting after him.

"Moonyoung. You. Better. Have. An. Explanation. For. This." Eun-woo says to me, emphasizing each word.

"Ah... yes! The- the explanation. Yes! I...... uh....."

"Lets sort this out at home." He says, giving me the most dangerous look I've ever got from someone.

"Okay." I say, softly.

Man, angry Eun-woo hits different.

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