Control your hormones

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In the suffocating heat of Lusaka, where the air shimmered like a mirage, you sat heavy with rage and sorrow. Your precious daughter, once so innocent, now stood before you, belly swollen with the weight of a life she wasn't ready for.

You had always tried to be a good mother, providing a stable home and endless love. But your child, once so sweet, had spiraled down a path of rebellion. You had warned her against the consequences of her actions, but she had ignored your pleas, choosing to follow her own reckless desires.

Now, with the father of her unborn child denying responsibility, you were forced to make a decision that tore at your heart. You had always wanted the best for your daughter, but her behavior had pushed you to a point of desperation. You vowed to kick her out of the house, hoping that tough love would shock her into realizing the gravity of her mistakes.

As she packed her meager belongings into a threadbare backpack, you watched with a mixture of anger and sadness. The daughter you had raised, the child you had loved unconditionally, was turning into a stranger. You had lost her trust, and with it, a piece of yourself.

'I'm sorry, Mom,' she whispered, her voice trembling. 'I know I've messed up.'

Tears streamed down your face as you turned away, unable to bear the sight of her broken spirit. 'I can't let you stay here anymore,' you said, your voice barely a whisper. 'You need to learn to take responsibility for your actions.'

She stumbled out of the house, backpack slung over her shoulder. You watched as she disappeared into the unforgiving streets of Lusaka, knowing that she faced a perilous journey alone.

Days turned into nights as you grappled with guilt and regret. You longed to hold your daughter close, to comfort her, but you couldn't bring yourself to break your resolve. You had to show her that her actions had consequences, that her choices had led her down a dangerous path.

As weeks became months, you heard whispers of your daughter's whereabouts. She had fallen in with a rough crowd, struggling to make ends meet. The thought of her living on the streets, exposed to danger and hardship, filled you with unspeakable anguish.

One evening, as the sun began its descent, casting an ethereal glow over the city, you received a phone call. It was your daughter, her voice weak and desperate.

'Mom, I'm sorry,' she sobbed. 'I've made a terrible mistake. I'm pregnant again, and I have nowhere else to go.'

Time seemed to stand still as you weighed your options. You could turn your back on her, let her suffer the consequences of her actions. But deep down, you knew that you couldn't. She was your child, and regardless of her mistakes, you loved her unconditionally.

With a heavy heart, you drove to the address she had given you. You found her sitting on a park bench, bruised and disheveled. The sight of your once-vibrant daughter reduced you to tears.

'Come home, my dear,' you said, embracing her tightly. 'I'm not perfect, but I will always be here for you.'

Together, you navigated the challenges that lay ahead. You sought help from social services, attended counseling sessions, and found a safe place for your daughter to stay. The road to recovery was long and arduous, but with each small step she took, you felt a glimmer of hope.

As the years passed, your daughter slowly rebuilt her life. She completed her education, found a stable job, and became a loving mother to her two children. The scars of her past remained, but they no longer defined her. She had learned from her mistakes and emerged stronger than ever.

And though the pain of her youthful transgressions would never completely disappear, you knew that your love had prevailed. You had made the difficult decision to kick her out of the house, but it had ultimately led her to a path of redemption. And for that, you were eternally grateful.

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