My friend

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As you walk down the bustling streets of Lusaka, Zambia, you can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. The vibrant colors of the market, the aroma of fresh fruit and spices, the lively chatter of the vendors and patrons, all transport you back to a time when life seemed simpler. Back to when you and your friend, Sam, were inseparable.

You and Sam had been through everything together. From the time you both snuck out of your houses in high school to attend that wild party, to the time you both got lost in the vast expanse of the Zambian wilderness during a camping trip. But the most memorable of all was the time you both fell for the same girl, Lisa.

Lisa was the epitome of beauty, with her radiant smile and sparkling eyes that could light up even the darkest of rooms. You and Sam were both smitten from the moment you laid eyes on her. But being the good friend that you are, you decided to step back and let Sam have a chance with her. And so, you watched from the sidelines as their love blossomed.

It wasn't long before Sam and Lisa became the 'it' couple of Lusaka. Everyone knew them, everyone loved them, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy every time you saw them together. But you pushed those feelings aside, telling yourself that their happiness was all that mattered.

And then, one day, it all came crashing down. Sam came to you, his eyes red and swollen from crying, and told you that he and Lisa were over. He didn't go into detail, but you could tell from the pain in his voice that it was a messy breakup. You listened, you consoled, and you promised to be there for him no matter what.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You and Sam grew closer than ever, rekindling the bond that you had before Lisa came into the picture. You were there for him, helping him pick up the pieces and move on. And you thought that was the end of it.

But as you turn the corner onto Cairo Road, you see them. Sam and Lisa, standing outside a café, locked in an embrace. Your heart sinks as you watch them, your mind racing with a million questions. Why are they together? Did they get back together? Did Sam lie to you?

You feel a knot in your stomach as you approach them. Sam sees you first, his face falling as he realizes you've seen them. Lisa turns around, her eyes widening in surprise. You can see the guilt in their faces, but you can't find the words to say.

'I can explain,' Sam stammers, his hands shaking. But you don't want to hear it. You can't bear the thought of him lying to you again. You turn on your heel and walk away, your heart heavy with disappointment and hurt.

You spend the next few days locked in your apartment, the blinds drawn and the TV on, but you can't focus on anything. All you can think about is Sam and Lisa, and the betrayal you feel. You can't understand how he could do this to you, how he could lie to your face and then act like everything is normal.

As the days pass, you start to realize that you need to talk to Sam, to hear his side of the story. You can't let this eat you up inside, not if you want to salvage your friendship. And so, you swallow your pride and reach out to him.

Sam is relieved to hear from you, and you can hear the remorse in his voice. He tells you everything, how he and Lisa had been talking for months, how they realized they still had feelings for each other, and how they decided to give it another try. He apologizes for lying to you, for not being able to tell you the truth.

As you listen to him, you can't help but feel a sense of understanding. You know how powerful love can be, how it can make you do things you never thought possible. And you can see the love in Sam's eyes, the same love that you saw all those years ago.

You forgive Sam, not because you want to, but because you have to. You can't let this ruin the friendship that you have built over the years, the bond that has seen you through thick and thin. And you know that if the roles were reversed, Sam would do the same for you.

As you hang up the phone, you realize that things will never be the same between you and Sam. The betrayal you felt, the pain of seeing them together, it's all left a mark on your relationship. But you also know that you can move past it, that you can rebuild what you had, stronger and better than before.

And so, you take a deep breath and step outside, ready to face the world again. You walk down the streets of Lusaka, the same streets that hold so many memories, and you can't help but feel a sense of hope. Hope for the future, hope for your friendship with Sam, and hope for the love that you know will always be a part of your life.

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