Don't insult the crocodile while you are still in the water

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As you stride through the bustling streets of Lusaka, a sense of exhilaration courses through you. Earlier today, you had received the promise of a job from a prestigious agency company, and the weight of unemployment had finally lifted.

Your heart swelled with pride as you made your way home, eager to share the good news. But instead of gratitude, your landlord's words cut through you like a knife. 'Can't you even pay your rent on time?' he sneered. 'You're living in a dump.'

Anger flared within you. 'A dump?' you spat. 'This is better than the hovel you call a home!'

'How dare you insult my house?' he retorted, his face turning red. 'It's all because you're finally getting a job that you're so full of yourself.'

Your pride transformed into a gnawing resentment. 'You're a fool,' you hissed. 'You think you're better than everyone else just because you own a lousy house?'

With your words hanging in the air, you stormed out, slamming the door behind you. The promise of a new job had fueled your arrogance, and you had humiliated your landlord in a fit of hubris.

As you made your way to the address given to you by the agency, a glimmer of doubt began to creep into your mind. The location was in a run-down part of town, far from the bustling city center.

Upon arriving, you were greeted by a dilapidated building with peeling paint and broken windows. A handwritten sign on the door read: 'Closed.' Panic surged through you as you realized the cruel hoax that had been played on you.

In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, you called the number you had been given. But it was met with a recorded message stating that the number was not in service. You had been used as a pawn in a sinister plot, your desperation for employment leaving you vulnerable to exploitation.

As you stood there, shattered and alone, the weight of your humiliation returned with full force. You had insulted your landlord, degrading his home and boasting about your newfound wealth, only to find out that it was all a lie.

With trembling hands, you made your way back to his house, hoping to apologize. But as you approached the door, you hesitated. Pride and embarrassment held you back.

You knew that you could never truly make amends for the cruel words you had spoken. But as you turned away, you couldn't shake the feeling of shame and regret that would forever haunt you.

In the end, you found a new job through legitimate means. But the scars of that experience remained, a constant reminder of the price you had paid for your hubris. And though you never returned to your old home, the memory of the landlord and the words you had spoken lingered in the back of your mind, a bittersweet testament to the destructive power of pride and the importance of humility.

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