Book 2-- Chapter 20 Reunion at Trenton Bridge

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No matter how hard I try I can't manage more than two pages! GRR! So here is my vow, tomorrow I will give you a five page chapter. I cross my heart hope to die. Read and cry. (That was your official warning about this chapter) Comment, Vote, Fan, Add to your library... All that stuff. Oh after the beep.

I had never been in a depression so deep as the one I was in after Mark took Jack. Three days had passed like years. My nights were filled with horrible nightmares that caused me to wake up, screaming. There had not been a single word from Mark. I was waiting for him to tell me where to meet him to get Jack back. As long as Jack was away from Mark I didn’t care. I would live forever as his personal whore, as long as Jack was safe.

The phone ringing brought me from my trance. The FBI agents nodded at me to pick it up.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hey Izzy,” The voice said. I had never heard it before.

“Who is this?” I whispered.

“Clay the photographer,” He said. If my heart was still beating it would have stopped. We knew the stalker was working with Mark, but having it proved seemed like another weight added to my already broken soul.

“I left Mark for a while, but when he said he got the kid I had to come back. I’m watching over him, don’t worry. Mark said you may want to talk to him. Do you Izzy? Do you want to talk to your son?” His words were mocking.

“Please,” I cried. I heard the shuffle of the phone. Then sniffling.

“Mommy,” Jack whimpered.

“Jack,” I breathed. “Are you ok?”

“Yes,” He cried. “Mommy I want to come home!”

“I know baby I know don’t worry we’re going to bring you home soon—“

“Give me the phone, son.” I heard the devil himself say.

“No please let me talk to Jack please!” I screamed. The tears roll down my face. I don’t bother to wipe them away.

“Hello beautiful,” He hissed. That horrible awful voice. I wanted so badly to claw his throat out, to kill him in the most painful way possible.

“I’m going to kill you!” I screamed hysterically. He only laughed.

“Darling, you can’t do that. Because I own you. Every piece of you is mine. Your body— is mine. Your broken heart— is mine. Your soul— is mine. Your mind— is mine. Hell even your virginity is mine! You have nothing left anymore. And now your son, excuse me, our son— is mine too.” The words destroyed my already beaten sanity.

“Trenton Bridge, meet me there, alone. If anyone comes with you I will throw him over. I swear it I will. You meet me there and I’ll let Jack go. You’ll come with me and someone will get Jack. We’ll live happily ever after, with a family of our own. So what do you say Spitfire?” The silence that filled the room was sharp and deadly. What was I supposed to say?

I looked to the agent. He nodded his head. Was that a sign to say yes?

“Alright,” I said. Mark laughed hysterically, that horrible laugh, the one that shattered my bones.

“Tomorrow night, you, me, and no one else. I will kill him Izzy, don’t think I won’t.” The line went dead. I collapsed into Jace’s arms; I didn’t know he was holding me. I sit there and weep uncontrollable. There is no sound from any of the people in the room. The situation cannot be put into words. Tomorrow night I would go and get myself kidnapped, again.

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