my little itty bitty rant about the popularity of therapy

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Let's start by saying that therapy is game-changing for some. As with any other job area, you will find amazing therapists who will change people's worlds in an amazing way. You will also find those toxic ones, which, sadly, happens with everything in life. But, my point is that by this chapter, my point isn't to trash the psychology community but to just offer my opinion on certain trends I have seen lately from society and people around me that annoy me.

 But, my point is that by this chapter, my point isn't to trash the psychology community but to just offer my opinion on certain trends I have seen lately from society and people around me that annoy me

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(If in any way, shape, or form you feel triggered by the topics of therapy, psychology, or mental health, please skip this chapter. My objective is to express myself, not to force my ideas onto anyone. It's ok if anyone feels they have to jump to the next chapter.)

Here's the deal. My motivation to write this came from yesterday's conversation with my friend Lola. This girl is all about mental health and stuff, which is cool. Sometimes, she feels like the person to whom she should go. But she always, always, ends conversations that have to do with this topic with anyone (not just me) with "Don't you feel that's enough to go to a therapist?" or with "I'm pretty sure that's trauma. You should get that checked." And for many years, I would stand my ground and shove it off, but it has become one of those things that the more it's done, the more it accumulates and the bigger it gets as time passes.

And it is just now that I am realizing... it's fucking annoying.

I'll clarify, this isn't a hate post about Lola

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I'll clarify, this isn't a hate post about Lola. She is still my friend, and she doesn't do it out of ill intention. But she isn't the only person who comes up with that story to other people.

I'd also like to give you context of moments where I have been told this, not only by her but by other people:

1. The month after, the whole Zach situation happened, and I said, "I feel sad and betrayed," and a person told me, "That's depression."

2. A week after, I was battling with a medical condition out of control at the time after I said, "I cried a lot last week," and I was told, "That's probably seasonal depression; you should go to a psychologist"

3. The day I said, "I don't like talking to people about my romantic relationships because ever since a girl in middle school spread to the whole school who my crush was, I got used to not talking about it," and I was told, "that's trauma, go see a therapist."

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