Updates on Maine's Story PART 2- The Call

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I am honestly tired of talking, thinking, and living with these events. However, I am forcing myself to finish this story to keep moving on with my life.

The next day, after the whole conversation with Alex where she told me what she knew and all of that, I decided to confront Lola.

Why Lola, you might ask? well. Because Maine was friends with Lola's sister, Fiona

 Because Maine was friends with Lola's sister, Fiona

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Before any of this, I didn't tell Lola anything. Why? Because I knew Fiona knew. I thought she found out at the same time as I did. However, Maine was FIona's bridesmaid, so I figured she was probably feeling down. I also didn't tell Lola anything about it because a few months ago, Lola had told me her communication with her sister was at an all-time low. That they didn't talk anymore except at family events, and they weren't as close as before. She also told me I was basically filling that space in her life of having someone to talk to, tell her problems, and hang out at fun places.

However, If my math was correct, Maine knew about her plans to move since February (confirmed by Alex), and Fiona had her engagement party in March, where Maine was present (confirmed by IG)

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However, If my math was correct, Maine knew about her plans to move since February (confirmed by Alex), and Fiona had her engagement party in March, where Maine was present (confirmed by IG). This was a family event where Lola and Fiona got together and probably updated each other on their lives (confirmed by Lola herself). Which means that 

Maine told Fiona

Fiona told Lola

and Lola told... no-one...

Until now.

I called Lola and asked her to tell me everything. And when I said, "Have her told me everything," I don't mean to say I forced her, but that Lola is the worst liar, and every time I told her a theory I had, she would not respond, or she would want to know details on how I got the info.

My response was always... "You forget that I am also Maine's friend; I have known her since we were four years old. I get we don't talk as often as we used to, but I know the bitch. Oh.. and also... I have a fuckin brain. I connected all the dots."

In that 3-hour conversation (yes, three hours!) I was confirmed the following info:

1. Maine met Emilia on the internet. So, technically, yes, BTS stole my friend.

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