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"HYUNJIN!.. hyunjin!" i bent down to him after he had been hit in his leg. terror spread around my face as i was beginning to panic.

he only groaned, clutching his shirt tightly while squinting his eyes shut. i scanned him all over, trying to find the wound and once i did, i couldn't believe it was happening.

the sound of rounds being fired hadn't died down at all. i didn't know how to treat wounds like these, so i tried talking to hyunjin to make him stay with us. "oh my god.. how bad does it hurt??" i felt dumb asking something like this.

"..i've had worse," he replied to me, making me smile bittersweetly. i had to keep myself from slapping him for being so stupid.

"don't say stuff like that! you've been shot. it can be fatal if you won't be treated soon."

i was suddenly pushed to the side. when i saw who it was, i thought my eyes were betraying me. but no, they weren't. this was reality.

he took his jacket off to apply pressure to the wound in hopes of stopping the bleeding. the face expression was slightly panicked, even though he tried hiding it. "hyunjin, really?" he asked.

"what are you doing..?" the injured one choked out, trying to sit up. he was immediately pushed back to the ground.

"if you try sitting up again i'll stop treating you," mingi shot his words at hyunjin as i hurried back to them. he didn't respond. i laid hyunjin's head onto my thighs while stroking his hair, hoping it would somehow ease his pain.

"it'll be alright," i kept on assuring him. or me. i didn't know. the gunfire started dying down and only then did i start crying silently.

hyunjin kept on panting, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "shit, he's loosing too much blood y/n," mingi stated. both his jacket and hands were stained crimson red, almost making it look like he had inflicted the wound.

"it probably hit an artery," i muttered, making mingi inhale sharply. no more bullets were falling, no more triggers were pulled and there was no more groaning, except for one. the others surrounded us. "damn," wooyoung breathed out while wiping his sweat off.

seonghwa put two fingers on a pulse point of hyunjin. "his heart is slowing down," he eventually announced. my sight became even more blurry. "he's not responding anymore."

"seonghwa and me are getting him out of here and in a hospital. you'll be alright?" mingi asked us. everyone of us was worried sick. we probably all wondered the same thing. would we be able to continue? i wiped my tears away, not wanting to let emotions make me useless.

"can i come with you?"

"y/n, it'd be better if you stayed here," chan protested, grabbing my wrist. he was right. shit, he was so right. but seeing hyunjin in a vulnerable state like this was eating away at my heart. the uncertainty of not knowing whether he would be okay, especially since an artery was most likely hit, and one of those being severed was more severe than a severed vein. the blood rushing through arteries had higher pressure.

seonghwa and mingi quickly picked him up. "you're staying. fight for your boyfriend, or something," mingi raised an eyebrow before disappearing with the other two.

"keep us updated!" seungmin shouted out.

i sighed, then stood up. i tried to put myself together. jeongin pat my shoulder. "come on, hyunjin is strong. this is nothing for him." i wished he was convincing me, but how could that happen when his voice had a very noticeable tone of uncertainty in it.

yet i nodded repeatedly, balling my hands into fists. i picked up hyunjin's gun. "alright, let's keep on going." han gave me a sympathetic smile, and now hongjoong, wooyoung, chan, lino , han, changbin, felix, seungmin, jeongin and i were on our way.

felix walked beside me while avoiding stepping on any bodies. "you're so strong. it's even tearing at my heart." i dismissed him.

"i just have to keep myself occupied, i guess."

"easy. i think i just saw the bastard there. at three fucking o' clock." seungmin pointed out. the end of a blazer was seen for a solid second when i searched for my father. his steps were hurried. he had entered a room.

"we got his ass now." lino reloaded his pistol. "i can't stand this game of cat and mouse any damn longer."

XLI™ ☆

found this in my drafts from like a month ago oops

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found this in my drafts from like a month ago oops...

i have quite the talent when it comes to disappearing don't i :P

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