Episode 17/18/19 - The Final

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Faysal and Moriah just went home and TJ informed us that we are the final four pairs going into the final. Everyone is happy to make the final and I am happy to be in the final with these seven other people. Even though we just won the daily, we are seen as the underdogs because we have the least amount of combined wins this season. I am happy for Aneesa because she has wanted this so badly and finally made the final for the first time in 13 years. That is nuts to me because when I think of the Challenge, on the women's side, I think of Aneesa right away.

This final is not going to be easy by any means so I have to make sure I get the proper sleep right now so I can conserve my energy for this final. I wake up later than anyone else and get on the exercise bike for about 15 minutes when I hear a motorcycle pull into the driveway. I know this is the final and everyone gathers in the backyard to hear from TJ. TJ informs us that we are still competing in pairs for a 100 hour final. Everyone seems shocked by the amount of time of the final, but my first final was close to this time and in the desert.

TJ tells us that we are to get dressed now and head into the cars to take us to the first part of our final. We have to drive the car to the beginning of the final and it is a stick shift. My brothers and I love the Amazing Race and the contestants on there always have to drive stick at some point. On our drive there, Tori and I talk about our strategy to not lose focus and remain calm this whole thing. We have a nonverbal communication system set up already so we do not have to rely on verbal communication only. 

We get to our first station 4 hours later and we are told that we have to bike for a combined amount of 100km in order to unlock our camping supplies. This is going to take a while for everyone and I know I want to pace myself here. As I am biking, I tune out everyone and think about who I am doing this for and why. I think about my kids and wanting to prove to them that their dad can still do this thing. Everyone else is rushing to finish all 100km but I think they fail to realize what is going to happen to their bodies.

This will physically wear people down for the few days and it seems like it is already starting to affect people emotionally because Nany and Bananas are arguing with each other while they are on the bike. Nany and Bananas are easily the strongest duo here in terms of physicality and experience. However, Bananas tends to get distracted and annoy people for fun and Nany tends to get super serious during stressful situations. This causes her to lash out when she feel like someone is not serious like she is.

After a while, all of the guys and girls take off our shirts and we are heading towards the end. Ryan and Olivia crush everyone and finish first, which is a good thing and a bad thing. I have a feeling they will be targeted more this final not just because of them being rookies, but Ryan is probably the best individual physical competitor here this season. That is saying a lot from three multi-season champs or the guys. Aneesa and Jordan finish after them, followed by Bananas and Nany. We are the last time to finish and that is okay.

Tori tries helping me make the tent but she ends up messing it up so I just tell her to let me set it up. We all finally go to bed and we get more sleep than I thought we would. As we wake up, TJ arrives and tells us that it is a race with multiple stations. This is just like the mini final and without Fessy and Moriah here, we have a shot. Tori and I keep up with Nany and Bananas and Ryan and Olivia and I hear Aneesa yell ow from behind me. I know this is not a good thing for them but it is good for me.

Tori and I are the first team at the checkpoint. We need to land ten bolas on the platform and for every two we succeed, we can sabotage another team with a weird drink. We land our first two and give it to Nany and Bananas. They do the same thing to us right after and I hear Olivia scream. After I throw, I look over and see her bleeding profusely and it looks bad. Ryan wants to take care of her but Olivia keeps yelling at him to keep going. Everyone gets pretty close so I go into overdrive and we are the first team to ten bolas.

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