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You listen, stop doing this and concentrate on your love. I am not an important one in your life from now- Nah, from the day you said those words, so make your love happy smile, badmouthing me Jeon Jungkook" you spatted those words and left out the classroom, leaving him with a heavy heart.

Well would it be a very big task to make you forgive him? Then, Yes it is. How could he do such things?

"Y/N stop we need to talk" he says as you didn't stop and walk fast towards your class. This class you,Mia and Taehyung share same where the rest three would share same. He sighed and went to his class. You went to your class seeing Taehyung and Mia waiting out of your class, you smiled and went towards them. 

"Is everything Okay?" they asked at a time, as you nodded and then, you three went into your classroom.

After classes.

You were just coming out of your room, when you Jungkook there, you marched your steps back and decided to walk from the other door.

He noticed you and followed the side where you were going. "Bun.. wait please we need to talk" he says and walks behind you to catch up your pace.

"I said stop" he says and stands in front of you. You tried to walk further but he came in front you. This side to that side, you finally gave up and look at him and raised your brows folding your hands.

"5 minutes" you say as he smiled. "Bun.. I'm so sorry. I will keep apologizing to you until you forgive me. I didn't mean any single words that day. It's just that, she asked to say something funny. But I didn't thought that would be this big. Please Bun, don't ignore me like this please please. Give me a tight slap which I deserve, but don't ignore me Bun.. I am sorry" he says and bend on his knees as tears were flowing down his cheeks.

In these whole years of your friendship, you both fought, quarrelled but you never stopped talking with him. This is the very first time of his days being away from you. Even, vacations too were held by both families, so there is no day you both are separated. But this two weeks, Jungkook had a rollercoaster of you being away from him.

Dumb of him, still he didn't notice things. You made him stand up as you wiped his tears with your palms. "Stop crying first" you say as more tears fell from his eyes. Seeing them, your eyes moistened. He suddenly hugged you burying his face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry, I won't repeat this mistake ever. Forgive me for one last time Bun.." he says between his sobs.

You too cried with him. This seems so foreign to you. Even though you share hugs, but this hug seems different to you. Somewhat new feelings growing inside you, not to make him go away from you. What could you do? You are feeling more pain than him. Would he ever come to know about that? If do he, will he be friends with you again? Again some tears left your eyes.

"Fine, I forgive you. But never expect that I will be like again before" you say as he hugged you feeling extreme guilt for his actions. That's why they say, 'Think before you speak'

"Thanks Bun... Please, I promise you again we will be normal like before" he says and plants a kiss on your forehead. 

"AHH! Finally!!" some voices heard behind you. You turned and saw your buddies having the wide smile. "You all are jerks" you say and roll your eyes. They all come towards you both grinning. "Aey... My Y/Nie is now good good" says Mia and hit your shoulders with her. "Gosh! it's so hard to cool this stone" Jimin says as Taehyung wrap his shoulders protectively around you bringing you close to his arms "Well.. girls should be like this. Tough, orelse it would be very soft for us to play with them" he say as you hit his chest, then you all broke into laughters.

Now they all seem satisfied looking at your smiley face after weeks. But, poor you know that smile of your flutters someone heart so damn?

A month later.

Things were normal after that day. Jungkook and you were normal, and the only thing disturbed him is you never visited him home in the mornings to wake him up. Even though, you are normal like before, you maintained your distance from him as much as you can which is gone noticed by everyone. 

Two weeks back, Jungkook and Jessy started dating. Unfortunately, they both confessed their feelings when she visited his home when they both are occupied in a project work as partners, and became couples. That day you were so heartbroken. Taehyung always stood beside you to make you feel normal. You were normal, but only you know how much pain you are bearing inside.

Only you yourself know how much pain your heart was bearing. Long night cries, skipping meals, etc which was all gone noticed by your brother. He one day came to your room and asked if everything was okay or not. You hugged him tightly and said everything from your heart. He can't do anything. But comforted you to be strong. As, it is not in their blood to cry over a man. You hugged him and slept that day.

Yoongi became more possessive and protective towards you after that day. He's now handling the company Min CO-Operations as a CEO. Being a Mafia, he have so much power and now your and Jeon Company have collaborated, he sends you his personal car after the college and you will come home straight. 

Jungkook didn't accompany you to go home from that day. All he do is going on dates with her after college. God knows when he returns home. Also, it's been three days he have texted you. Simply, unintentionally you are being ignored by him. 

You too didn't bother and kept focus on your studies. You never sat on the same bench with them, nor looked at them. 


You were going to the canteen with Mia, as you both are talking a bit. Jimin and Taehyung were already at the canteen securing seats for you both. "Here Ladies!" Jimin shouted as Mia smiled and you both went holding your plates. "This time the topper again Y/N i guess." Jimin says as you smirked and gave a proud smile lifting your shoulders like saying isn't it obvious by your gestures.

They smiled seeing you being yourself. They were so concerned tbh. But, the thing is you didn't want to make them worried for you. So, you endured your pain yourself. 

Suddenly, the cafeteria went noisy with sudden slap. You all turned to see what's happening and got shocked to see the situation. Jungkook slapped your classmate Nancy.

Yeah! Nancy one of the bitchest girl you have ever seen. A rich spoiled brat, she loves to play with boys a lot. Nevermind, at least she have two men laying beside her everyday. And you know very well that her target is your boys. 

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. As, knowing Jimin's relation she never dared to come near him, and for taehyung, he gave her a good lesson by taking her all real self around the school. So, she never dares to speak with Taehyung. And her last and final target Jungkook. 

She knows you are so in fat love with him, knowing he loves another woman, now she have that audacity to go near him. 

Coming back to the present, Jungkook gave a tight slap on her ugly face which made all the people there gasp. You can see the amount of anger he have on his face, like he is ready to kill her at any time. You chuckled bitterly. Because the same thing he used to do with you when someone tries to annoy you. Now, he got a girlfriend dude wake up.

"Dare mess again with my girlfriend, you will see the worst of me" he warned Nancy and wrapped his hands around Jessy shoulders and took her with him. 

Wow! Nice.


To be continued.

Thankyou sm for supporting me loves. Have a good weekend. 

I don't know. but i'll try to update soon. Hope this chapter isn't boring.

See you all in next chapter. Till then B-Bye..

Love Ya..💕💃❤️✨


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