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"Wha-t? Wh-at? and wh-y are y-ou tell-ing me- me now?" Jungkook stuttered as his words aren't coming out from his mouth after knowing something. He is now at your office, as your secretary told everything as he stumbled back once as his soul left his body. "Yeah- Yes sir, two weeks ago, she even promised me to not to inform Mr. Min" your secretary says as he cupped his mouth with his hands pretending to be strong, but god knows how much he is controlling of breaking down.

"She is diagnosed by Brain cancer sir" those words were repeating reel on his brain as he couldn't think of anything. His mind went blank. "I am sorry for not telling you anything sir, but mam took a promise to not say anything about her illness to anyone. Hope you understand" she said and bowed to him and went out from the room leaving him alone.

Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He wants to cry so bad. He wants to, but what's stopping him? What's going on with him? This isn't good sign for him. "No- No No NO, this shouldn't be happen. Not at least now, please God don't do this to me." he says and wipes the tears from the corner of his eyes, rushing to his car.

"Can you please check where Jeon Yn is admitted in?" he asks to the hospital receptionist as she checked in her computer saying "I'm sorry sir, but there is no patient named Jeon Yn admitted here." she says as he rubbed his temples "Um.. Can you check it as Min Yn" he asks again as the receptionist nodded her head and checked as she smiled at him saying,

"Oh! Min Yn? yes she is admitted here 15 days ago." she says as Jungkook leaves a big sigh and asks the receptionist "Could you tell me her room number?" "Oh yes, Room no 7, fifth floor sir" she says as Jungkook thanked and bowed to the receptionist and halted his steps towards your room.

When the elevator bell ringed indicating he is on the fifth floor, nervously he came out of the elevator, as his legs were wobbling to make a step further. He slowly went forward checking the room numbers, as he found the sixth room, the next is seventh.

He saw a man dressed in black and a man in his formals sitting beside each other at the waiting chairs, he immediately recognized it's Yoongi, and his worst nightmare. He knew if he comes forward to your brother, he will beat the shit out of him.

He nervously came forward as the man in formals look up and saw Jungkook and clenched his fists. He got up from his seat furiously as noticed by Yoongi, he looked up at Jungkook and smirked and he too got up even more furiously. "Happy now?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook frowned his brows coming even more forward.

A strong punch laid on his cheeks as he stumbled back for once for the aggressive punch given by Yoongi. "Happy now bastard? She is finally dying like you wanted. She couldn't go through the surgery because of you Fucker!!" he spatted out those venomous words on him, as he looked up at Yoongi only to find him in tears.

 As the doctors confirmed that you couldn't make the surgery after checking your condition once again, because the stress and pain you have in your mind made you depressed and it's not easy to have a surgery. It surely causes death. So, they confirmed that hardly 3-4 months due for you.

It is the very first time to see him in this devastated state. All he know Yoongi from his childhood, as he didn't even see him like this when his parents passed away but today, he lost it completely. Yoongi pushed jungkook back with both of his hands, as he jerked back. "Yoongi hyung, let me see her once" Jungkook said as Yoongi let out a sarcastic scoff "Why so that you will not let her die in peace too?" he said as Jungkook look at him with tears in his eyes.

HATE YOU - JJK(Ft. Kth)Where stories live. Discover now