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"Look, Jungkook if you want to stop me.. I am not coming with you until and unless I find a trust that you won't harm me and my child, and never come infront of my eyes ever!!". you said making him stumble a bit back.

"Y/N please listen... I- I am not going to hurt you.. Please trust me and give me a chance to explain please..." Jungkook asks you desperately as you scoffed immediately. "Trust? and You? That was gone a long ago Jungkook, you made my heart stone as possible that it is getting hard to let any emotions to show you know? Is that again possible to give you a chance to say anything? Let me go Jungkook!"  

But still he stayed in his position clutching your hand, and when you jerked it off and went towards the exit along with your brother, and that's it he lost. He fell down on his knees and hid his face in his cold palms crying his heart out. 

Regret? Pain? Guilt? call it whatever you wanted but right now which Jungkook is going through is worse than death, he just want to go back to the time and do all the things correct. Why? Why couldn't he trust you before? After all this along years, now? now does he regret his actions towards you? The pain which he is feeling right now is nothing compared to the pain he gave you untill the extent of your death.

It's been a week, from that day. Neither he got a little glimpse of you. His heart was bleeding with remorse of his past actions. Why couldn't he make things better again? Was he that dumb in love that he didn't notice you before? Only if he could go back to that time. He chuckled to himself bitterly looking at your and his picture which you both took at school times. Did he save this till now? He rubbed those tears which were falling continuously. 

"I miss you so much" he says and kisses the frame where exactly your face is. Like exactly the dream, his situation have been like this, it's that this time in reality you are healthy and fine with his baby. The reality made him so happy that you are still fine. 

"Oppa... enough!!~ I'm full" you said to your brother who is feeding tangerines just after the meal. "Princess.. this one is the last.. come eat up" he says and peel of the skin of the tangerine and feed you. Well, now you really want to change your decision coming here, here this man your brother is spoiling you a way too much than before. He won't even let you do any of the work. Well, you kinda like this treatment but, still this is too much.

You have been sick for the two days as morning nausea hit you so hard, but thanks to your brother he really took a good care for you. The place you are living is so far from the city where you lived before. It is Yoongi personal mansion which he built for you and him so that whenever you both feel tired you could spend some peaceful time in between the nature. So there is so much restricted and high secure area for you to live.

He goes to office early in the morning and comes soon to take care of you. He alloted so many trusted maids and workers for your security and care. Mary is one of them, you can say she's your favourite, though you both don't at all behave that way. You got motherly vibes from her. Her whole family died in a car accident, as only she is able to make it. So, when she was in need Yoongi gave her a duty to take care of this mansion.

Wanting to know your whereabouts Jungkook goes to your old house where you both used to live together as neighbours. At first when he went to his house he earned a big slap from his mother, Mrs. Jeon went so angry on him as he end up crying clutching his mother feet deserving every kind of hate from them. And, then after listening to him, Mrs. Jeon is somewhat not convinced to make them together, and Mr. Jeon he didn't even look at his son.

So, he made his mother convinced somewhat and asked her to call you to know about you. After some rings you picked up the call. "hello.." Mrs. Jeon said "Hello~ Eommonim, how are you" you asked immediately. "Oh I'm fine my daughter, it's been long how are you?" she asks as Jungkook bites his lips as tears were at the urge to fall down from his eyes after listening your voice after so many days.

"I'm fine eommonim" you say as she smiles and asks nervously, "Um.. daughter, i want to meet you" she asks as you took a long pause fighting with your inner self, "Sure eommonim, we will" you said as Mrs. Jeon smiles so do Jungkook clapping lightly. Well it was a scene which Mrs. Jeon wanted to see for a long. His son old self. Being a selfish mother, she can do anything for her son's happiness won't she? So this was a plan to make you meet her so that if there is any way Jungkook can join you both.

"I am doing this for my daughter not for you remember!" Mrs. Jeon says sternly as Jungkook nodded hugging his mom who is sitting on the couch.


"Oppa..." you hesitated for a moment and called your brother. "Huh? Yes princess.." he asks as you bit your lip fidgeting with your fingers, "Oppa.. Eommonim wants to meet me" you say as he looks at you for a moment and then at your fidgeting fingers, "You wanna meet her?" he asks as you nod. "Then, what's bothering you?" he asks as you bit your lip saying "What should I say if she asks about Jungkook?" you say as he pat your head saying "Tell her everything princess, i bet she knew" he says as you nodded getting some courage.

"Um.. tomorrow i have some meetings early morning i'll ask Taehyung to come over okay?" he says as you nodded. "Okay come let's have dinner" he says as you nod and went down to have dinner. 

The whole night you had a mini battle with yourself to go or not. Mrs. Jeon is like your mother, you can't deny her request going to meet her, but what if you show up infront of him? Ah! stop scaring you were not scare on that day but why suddenly now? You slept silently after having a big fight with your thoughts.

"Ah~ someone in a good mood?" your maid Mary says as she saw you humming a good song selecting some good clothes. She bought your breakfast upstairs as you turn around and gave her your sweet smile. "Morning Aunt" you say as she smile and comes forward "You seem in a good mood any occasion mam?" she says as you sigh "How many times i should say stop calling me Mam, and yeah not an occassion but i'm going out" you say as she smiles looking at your happy face.

"Well have a good day then" she says as you nod giving her a smile. "Yes... you too Aunt" you say and get ready. 

"This bastard!!" you curse under your breath as still Taehyung didn't show up till now. And after some minutes when you heard the car honk you rolled your eyes and huffed, he comes inside seeing your grumpy face he controls himself not to burst out but end up laughing his ass off.

"Yahh!! WHy you are laughing all of a sudden!?" you asks as he stops saying "HAHA! Y/n your face looks like a small monkey." He says as you roll your eyes and grit your teeth saying "Shall.we.go.Mr.Kim?" you say in a irritated voice "Ay ay okay okay my grumpy woman lessgo" he says and take you out of the house leading into the car.


To be continued.

Look who showed up!! I'm so so so sorry for the late updates my loves, got really stuck with my personal problems. I cannot say much but i'll be updating next part so soon. 

Thankyou so much for supporting even i am being offline. 

So, fill the comment section with next chapter guesses, i love replying to you all.

Take good care of your health loves, don't strain yourself. Eat good food.

Love ya...✨💕


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