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On a warm sunny day, a woman who is in her early 30 's picking up the unique pebbles, shells and some stones as she was lost in her own world, a pair of eyes were admiring her beauty as he found his newly lover smiling which always made his heart flutter more than anything in this world. "Taehyung-ah!! here look what I found" he came out of trance when he saw his girlfriend giving showing a heart shape stone, which she found in the sand before.

He giggled and took that stone into his hands and looked at the stone and again looked at her. He gave her a good warm smile, making her smile as he placed a long warm kiss on her forehead. "I love you" he said "I love you too" she too returned her words as they hugged each other feeling each other warmth. 

"Stop! Stop it Y/N ah!!" Taehyung giggled and screamed when he got splashed water by you. Yes, you. 

On the day of your surgery when the doctors declared you are dead.

"I'm sorry but she is no more" and when the doctors said those words, it has been the biggest stone in everyone's heart as they stood stunned to process their words. Jungkook fell on his knees on a sudden, as his tears are falling continuosly. He got up grabbing the doctors collars saying "No No she won't die, I should die instead!! BRING HER ALIVE!!!" he shouted on top of his lungs making everyone burst into tears. 

Taehyung held Jungkook and pushed away to stay away and don't ever come to attend her funeral as he gave you a promise that he won't let you see you when you are gone. Jungkook begged and begged, and when Yoongi showed his all anger on Jungkook by punching him to death, he never didn't turn back and went away from the hospital.

When they all came inside the operation theatre to see you, Jungkook's mother held your hand and cried so loudly and that's when she saw your hand moving. She immediately called the doctors and when they checked upon you, they said it's a miracle for the first time and it must be God's grace that you are alive after going through such pain.

All of them became happy, as they cried when they are the verge of loosing themselves when they heard you are dead. Mia hugged you and never left you as she stayed by your side. And when Jimin asked to tell this news to Jungkook, Mrs. Jeon stopped him saying not to call him.

You didn't lost your memory, you remember everything as it happend everything infront of your eyes. "She just got her new life, and I don't want him to know that she is alive. Let her live her life without him. He deserves this, start your new life with new beginnings sweetie" Jungkook's mother a.k.a your mother in law said these words to you as you cried hugging her and agreeing to her words.

You never wanted to see Jungkook again from that day, as he still thinks you are not in this world anymore. He was devastated knowing that you are not in this world anymore. He blamed himself for doing such things to you. He killed his own child. Well, Karma played well with him. He lost everything, even his smile. 

He once visited your old house which is opposite to his, he remembered each and every moment he spent with you in this house. After your mom died, you and your brother left this house and didn't sell to keep it as your mother's memory. He went to your room and that's when he found your diary which you left there after returning from jail, as you decided to move on. You left each and everything which reminds you of Jungkook there when you shifted your house.

After reading the whole diary and your beautiful words for him, he cried burying his face into the diary saying "I'm.. sorry... sorry.. Bun.. I've made a sin.. I love you~ come back to me...." he cried between his sobs as he hugged your some left clothes as it's scent remained same as you. He cried and cried until he was out of tears. And when he put those clothes back where it is, he found that wardrobe where his pictures are presented to the wall (Remember when Jessy finds that wardrobe?) He was shocked and stunned to see those all and he didn't knew what to do but again cry thinking of how bad and mad you are in love with him that time.

HATE YOU - JJK(Ft. Kth)Where stories live. Discover now