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I scream at your ghost
When I miss you the most
I'll lace up my armour and fight for us both
Finish what you started and crown your stone
(Against The Current-Personal)

Maya and Carina were in bed, the blonde spooning the brunette. She kissed her wife's shoulder, sweetly, and caressed her hair.

"I love you." she whispered to her. "I love you so so much.". Carina turned around, a soft smile painted on her face.

"Ti amo anche io." she responded, hiding her face in the crook of the blonde's neck. They stayed like that, surrounded by a comfortable silence, until they heard someone knocking on their bedroom door. Carina pulled away from Maya's embrace and they both quickly got dressed.

"Come in!" the firefighter shouted. The door opened and Keira entered, shyness in her eyes. She stopped at the threshold, afraid to bother and annoy the two women.

"Come here, bambina! Come sit on the bed." Carina invited the girl to come closer, patting the sheets. Keira did as told and sat on the bed, between her two foster mothers.

"Good morning." Maya started, hoping to help her relax a bit.

"Hi." Keira muttered, her head bowed.

"How did you sleep?" Carina asked her.

"So so." the teen answered, surprisingly honest. "I had a nightmare, but I think I've been sleeping better lately."

"Well, good news." Maya said.

"I guess so." Keira responded. "Just... Can I ask you a favor?"

"Anything, tesoro.". The girl took a deep breath and looked at Maya first, then at Carina, her blue irises full of anxiety. The two women decided not to push her, giving her all the time she needed.

"I... I want to go visit my brother." Keira told them, finally. Maya and Carina glanced at each other, definitely taken aback by that request.

"Sure." the firefighter said. "We can go after breakfast, what do you think?" she suggested, turning to her wife. "Carina?"

"Oh, erm... Yeah, sure. Sorry, I... I'll go prepare breakfast.". Maya frowned, not expecting such a strange reaction from her.

"Is everything okay? Maybe I shouldn't have..."

"Keira, hey, no." Maya reassured the teen. "You did nothing wrong, Carina can be a lot in the morning. I'm happy you asked. Happy and proud of you.". Keira nodded and let out a sigh, then jumped off the bed and headed to the living room. Carina was sipping some coffee, in silence, her arms on the kitchen counter. She looked pensive more than sleepy and the girl could sense her own anxiety building up in her chest. Carina gazed at her and wave a hand through her hair. She shook her head and approached her, a plate full of french toasts in her hands. She beckoned her to sit at the table and did the same.

"I'm sorry for before, I am a bit tired, that's it." she told the girl, realizing how nervous she was.

"No problem." Keira responded. "Maya was right, your french toasts are delicious.". Carina chuckled and poured some milk into a glass.

"Thank you." she said. "I used to prepare them to my brother when we lived together. He loved them.". Carina could feel some tears rolling down her cheek and immediately wiped them away with the back of her hand. "Sorry, I'm just caught up in nostalgia, that's it.". Keira nodded, saying nothing. Maya joining them definitely saved the situation, lightening the mood. She had breakfast, then gestured the teen to get ready so that they could go to the cemetery.

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